Chapter 11

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A/n Next chapter is here! Dang I'm on a roll! only downside is its short but its also got a lot of ****

Hehe sorry can't spoil it! Enjoy!

"Cole! Cole! Cole wake up, you're having a nightmare!" Cole's eyes fluttered open, there was someone kneeling over him, but his vision was so blurry, he couldn't tell who it was. "Kai?"



"Try again."


"Oh dear, you hit your head pretty hard huh?"

Cole didn't know how, but somehow that voice sounded familiar, but it wasn't any of his friends, surely. It was someone else but who? "Who are you?"

"You don't remember? Ok let's play 20 questions, I'm a girl, we're friends, you saved my life and my kingdom, and I lo- um who am I?" The stranger asked, helping the raven stand. It didn't take Cole long to guess who it was.


"Ringadingding congratulations sir, you just won, one giant hug!" Vania tackled Cole to the ground giving the earth master a giant hug, Cole wasted no time in returning the gesture. "Vania! Good to see you! *cough, but what are you doing here?" Vania helped Cole stand up for the second time that day. "Right funny story actually, you see I was planning on visiting Ninjago, to get away from all the queen stuff, when suddenly these men came out of nowhere and kidnapped me!" Cole felt anger rise up inside of him, "what about Hailmar? Wouldn't he have protected you?" The queen sadly shook her head, "I told him not to come, I know it sounds strange, but my whole life I've been forced into royalty living, I just wanted to be me, you know?" She looked away as if embarrassed.

 "I get it." Vania faced her companion, who was wearing a sympathetic smile, "How?" "I'll tell you, just don't laugh, ok?" Vania nodded, Cole took a deep breath "My dad, he didn't always accept me as a ninja, he actually wanted me to be a dancer-" "YOU a dancer? Really?" Vania gasped, followed by a giggle, "You said you wouldn't laugh!" Cole teased, "and yes, he did, *cough he even sent me to a dance school... But I ran away 6 months later, after Wu found me, we had to enter a talent show, to save Ninjago *cough. The others thought it would be a good idea to get my dad to teach us how to dance, *cough so we visited him... undercover that is. I spent the whole day hiding who I was because I was afraid of what my dad would think, *cough I didn't want to disappoint him." He looked at the floor shamefully. Vania's smile disappeared, "guess we're both misunderstood huh?"

 Upon studying the earth elemental's face, the queen became more concerned. "Oh dear, you look terribly ill, are you sick?" Cole opened his mouth to say something, but quickly closed it. 'What should I say? Jay wanted me to be more open but, I don't want Vania to worry about me' He thought, but a brief look at Vania's perfect face, made his brain fry. 'Who am I kidding I can't lie to Vania! My cru- no Cole, don't think like that.'

"Cole? Are you alright?" Cole shook off all other feelings, "No, I'm not, I don't understand what's happening, I never get sick, *cough I think it has something to do with... some guy poisoning the earth *cough." Vania looked horror struck. "Oh, dear oh dear oh dear I was afraid of that."

 "What do you mean?" 

Vania looked at Cole panicked, "there's no time! We have to get out of here!" She started kicking the cage bars with so much force Cole feared she might injure herself. "Whoa Vania *cough, calm down I'm ok, why are you in such a rush?" Anyone who ever said princesses aren't strong were proven utterly wrong at that moment, because instead of answering the earth ninja, Vania had managed to break down the METAL bars! "Woah and I thought I had super strength *cough" Vania smiled at Cole, clearly enjoying the praise, but it quickly turned back into panic, "thanks, but come on! We have to leave NOW!" She grabbed Cole's arm and practically dragged him out the cage.

"The earth is sick and so are you!" (Ninjago angst) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now