Chapter 10

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IMPORTANT! So, I kinda made a mistake last chapter regarding Cole's age, oops my bad! *does nervous laugh. I said this: 

 2 years ago, to the day, the raven fell into the dark Oni cloud surrounded by monsters who wanted to kill him, while his friends just left. 4 years ago, he was transformed into a ghost by sensei yang, and 9 years ago... 

If you do the math, that makes Cole 17, however, I also said that 9 years ago Cole lost his mom, when I mentioned previously that he was 7 when he did. So bottom line Cole is 18, since he is the second youngest (Lloyd being 17) that means Kai and Jay are 19 (Kai only being older by months) Zane is 62 (Although he looks 20) And finally Nya is the same age as Cole, but only months older.

Ok now that's out of the way, you can finally read the chapter! (Sorry it's so short)

When Kai woke up, it was cold, and he felt like his face was freezing, deciding he hated the cold and was more of a volcano survivalist kind of guy the burnett used his hands to push himself up, the first thing he noticed was snow, lots and lots of snow, turning to the left Kai saw the mountain his brothers were about to climb. 'So I'm still on the Wailing Alps, but why was I unconscious?' He thought. Automatically Kai began scanning the area for his brothers, it didn't take long before he spotted a pair of blue legs kicking in the air, a clear sign that the owner was stuck. "Jay!" Kai cried as he jumped up and ran to his little brother. Helping the bluebird out of the snow was a difficult task, since he was heavy and Kai was strangely exhausted. "Are you ok?" Kai asked. Jay nodded, "doing dandy sunshine! Yippee dee doo!" Kai internally groaned "Aw not this again, Jay come on snap out of it!" the red ninja slapped Jay on the cheek, concerned. Jay however looked unfazed. "Kai baby, you gotta take a chill pill, I'm doing great, the sun is shining, the stars are beautiful and I don't have any homework to do!" He pumped his fist in the air, "we need to relax, take it eaaaaassssyyyy oh there's nothing that we can't doooo!" He sang. Kai shook his head, whatever was wrong with Jay he hoped he would come to his senses on his own, just like he did last time. Kai turned around and started searching for Cole. Unfortunately he came up short. "Cole! Cole!" He called. Jay stopped singing long enough to register this. "Where's my little Coley?" Kai shrugged now fearing he was buried in all this snow, which could worsen his illness.

"Looking for this?" A voice called. Kai turned around and spotted a man wearing a jetpack holding an unconscious Cole by his feet. Kai became hot with anger. "Hey! Leave him alone you monster!" He tried lighting his hands on fire, but all that could come out was a tiny flame. "You're weak and pathetic! Can't even use your own powers to save your friend!" The stranger taunted. "Interesting choice of words coming from someone whose greatest accomplishment is being a nuisance!" He shot back. Kai couldn't see the man's face, but he had a sickening feeling that he was smiling. "You know nothing about me, fire ninja, not even my name, but I know everything about you! Or at the very least him!" He gestured towards his captive. "Coleman Wyatt Brookstone, born on April 22, 2006, which makes him 18, lost his mother to an unknown sickness 10 years ago, and was forced to dance by his father." He paused for dramatic effect, "he has one older brother who he doesn't know about because he abandoned him when he was 3 out of jealousy that Cole inherited their mother's power and not him." Kai's jaw dropped, but the stranger kept going. "When his father sent him to Marty Oppenheimer school of performing arts, he lasted 6 months there before being fed up by the classes, bullying and pressure to live up to Lou's expectations, so he ran away to one of Ninjago's highest mountains where Wu found him, and I'm sure you know the rest."

Now more than ever Kai was positive that this man could not be trusted. "I don't know who you are or what you want with our brother, but you better give him back right now or else!" The man tilted his head in question, "or else what? You're tired Kai, you can't stop me, you have friends to save and well that." He pointed to Jay who was currently telling his life story to a rock." Kai stared down the stranger. "You will regret ever messing with my family, I swear I will hunt you down and teach you a lesson!" Kai said through gritted teeth. The man raised his free hand to his mouth, "I'm yawning, see me yawning, and as much as I love our little chat I have to bring this little guy to my boss." He said, as he flew away.

"The earth is sick and so are you!" (Ninjago angst) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now