Chapter 12

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A/n Ok ok ok I know I haven't uploaded in a while but-

Agh! nobody asked Coleman! And since when did you get so precise? I thought that was Zane's thing!

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Agh! nobody asked Coleman! And since when did you get so precise? I thought that was Zane's thing!

Cole- Well it would be! If someBODY didn't trap him on mount terror!

Well, I'm an author! What do you expect! I got to keep the story interesting, and you should watch how to speak to someone who has the power of deciding what happens next! Nic-

Cole- Shhhhhh ok ok I get it gosh you're even worse than Jay!

Watch it! Hey instead of firing insults at me why don't you go plan a wedding with your girlfriend! 

Cole- *blushes Vania is not my girlfriend! I don't have a girlfriend idiot!

Ok that's it you're throwing up now!

Cole- *runs to bathroom.





Oh, maybe that was a bit mean? Opps, well I'm going to go apologize to him, but here's a chapter to read until I get back!

Chapter 12

When Jay woke up, he was in pain, well not his entire body more like his head. Sitting up he noticed that he was back on the bounty, laying in his bed. "What happened?" He asked himself. "What happened was Cole was captured, you went cuckoo crazy on me, and our team needs our help on Mount Terror, which is where we're going now." Jay turned towards the entrance where he spotted a certain hothead leaning against the door. "Huh? Cole's captured?" Jay asked, although it wasn't really a question, "by who? Was it those creeps that ambushed us?" Kai rolled his eyes. "Oh no Jay, it was the friendly neighborhood squirrels who decided to take matters into their own tiny paws. They've been plotting it for ages, you know, secret meetings in the park and all?" Kai replied sarcastically. Jay scoffed "Well ok mr helpful, I get the point, but if Cole's in the hands of a villain that wants nothing more than to make his life horrible, why are we going to save our friends first?" Kai's mouth hung wide open, "that's what I said to you! And you said something about them having an army of evil doughnuts which we wouldn't stand a chance against by ourselves." He put his hands on his hips in a mocking way. Jay blushed, "Please tell me I didn't say that." "Are you kidding? Not only did you say that! But you also burst into song, it took me ages to stop you from singing baby shark!" He teased, of course, Kai did leave out the fact that he was also singing. Jay laughed nervously "Well actually I remember that part Kai, you didn't do much better than me? Did you?" Kai's face matched his shirt "Oh um right you uh remember anything else?"

Jay knew Kai was talking about the mini panic attack the burnet went through, but judging by the look on Kai's face, and the way he shuffled his feet nervously, Jay could tell he didn't want to talk about it. "I don't have to, but I'm always here if you need to talk."

"The earth is sick and so are you!" (Ninjago angst) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now