Chapter 9

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A/n. Man this took longer than expected, probably the longest chapter I've written so far! Thanks to everyone who voted, the results are in and looks like you guys want to see more Cole! Which is great because I find it easier to write about him.  You guys are awesome, thanks a bunchos for over 2oo reads!! It really means so much to me. Huge shout out to the people who followed me, it's crazy how when I first started this fanfiction, I had 0 followers but now 9 chapters in I have 4! so thanks again!

Anyway, I know you want to read the chapter now, so I'll just shut up now! LOL

Cole sat on the edge of the bounty, staring down at snow and ice. He had a lot to think about, like who this mystery person is, why he wants him, how to save their friends and most important of all, how to go the entire day without crying.

Don't get him wrong, Cole almost never cries, and if he does it's definitely something WORTH crying over. Cole wasn't even sure if this counted as one of those. Today was September 14th, the worst day to ever exist. At least for Cole that is. 2 years ago to the day, the raven fell into the dark oni cloud surrounded by monsters who wanted to kill him, while his friends just left. 4 years ago he was transformed into a ghost by sensei yang, and 9 years ago, was the worst tragic time the boy had ever had.

His mother, Lily passed.

It was a great ordeal that he never wanted to go through again, but some small part of him said he shouldn't mourn anymore, it had been almost a decade after all, and yet Cole still felt like he hadn't completely moved on yet. Lily's passing affected the whole family though, Lou, Cole's dad, grieved for his dead wife by drinking. He was never home, always out partying, singing and dancing with his group, leaving all the chores and responsibilities for Cole, who later discovered he had PTSD because of it. Of course the raven never told his father out of fear he would disappoint him. He never told his friends either, not even Jay. The only one that even came close to finding out was Zane, after the oni invasion, but Cole was quick to dismiss that idea. Looking back on it, it probably would have been a good idea to tell them he did have Post traumatic stress disorder, but only because the dark cloud was so very frightening.

But he didn't

He couldn't afford the pitiful looks he was bound to get, or the judgy eyes smeared across people's faces, he already had color blindness, he didn't want another disorder too.

"Hey!" Cole looked up at Burnett approaching him with a sinister smile.

"Hi Kai" Cole choked out. Kai's smile dimmed as he saw the look on his brother's face. "Dude are you ok? You seem a bit" He waved his hand in the general direction Cole was, "lost." Cole shook his head. "No, I'm ok."

"Are you sure?"

Cole nodded before letting out a very snotty sneeze that sprayed all over Kai's shoes. Cole panicked. "Uh oh Kai im so sorry i didn't mean to ruin your shoes I-" "Hey Cole buddy its ok, they aren't mine anyway, i'm borrowing Lloyd's." Cole felt his heart shatter. 'Darn it Cole, how could you be so stupid!' He didn't even realize he voiced his thoughts until Kai squatted down next to him. "Don't say that buddy, c'mon you're not stupid, you just have a bit of trouble recognizing certain shades, no shame." Oh but there was, and there always will be, Cole knew that. He was different, a screw up, an outcast, he risked a look into Kai's eyes. The brownish, greenish (Redish) pitiful eyes.

That's exactly what he did not want

"Hey you guys! We're here!" Jay said through the bounty speakers. Thankful for the distraction Cole quickly sat up, and started walking over to the control room. Well more like swaying he did still feel nauseous. "Cole?" Kai lightly tugged his friend's hand, "maybe you should stay here, you know just in case." Cole shook his head rapidly, trying his best to not show the amount of dizziness he felt. "No no Kai, it's ok, i,m-" He was going to say i'm fine but the earlier conversation he had with Jay flashed through his mind. 'You stop pretending you're ok and start being more open to us' Cole sighed, "I'm going." Kai looked reluctant but knew that if Cole made up his mind on something, there was no changing it. "Just be careful."

"The earth is sick and so are you!" (Ninjago angst) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now