Chapter 14

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A/n This chapter took way longer than expected. But hey! I did it! *Flops onto bed

Its not a very long chapter unfortunately, BUT I think it's ok....

Thats it! You can read now....... seriously go!....... Why are you still here?...just so you know   I'm leaving now!...........................................................................................................

Cole and Vania had been following Dillian for almost a full hour and there was still no exit in sight. "Are you sure you *cough know where the exit is? *cough" Cole asked with a hint of uncertainty in his voice. "Oh, for goodness' sake I'm absolutely certain. Really, must you Americans always be in such a frightful hurry?" Dillian said. Cole rolled his eyes, honestly it was taking everything in him to not just knock Dillian out the second he saw him, but he decided against it for two reasons, 1. They needed Dillian to help them escape, and 2 Cole wasn't well enough to fight anyway. Still the raven had at least hoped a little that after 10 years the blonde would've changed... But alas it wasn't meant to be, and while Dillian hadn't mentioned any pointed jabs at anyone yet (well other than Americans in general) he was proving to be rather...insolent.

However despite all that Cole has never been more grateful to not be recognized, the last thing he needed was his old childhood bully making a rebound, not that Cole would go cry in the bathroom if he did (something he totally didn't do in school) but because, with juggling a strange sickness as well as being captured by someone who wants his head, adding verbal bullying to the list seems a bit much. And while Dillian wasn't as bad as about half of Cole's childhood tormentors, he wasn't exactly a ball of sunshine either, now don't get me wrong, he still picked on Cole in school in more ways than one, but if it had been Derek or Tony trapped with the raven down (or up?) There, he would have a lot more to worry about than VERBAL bullying.
But luckily it was only Dillian. All Cole had to do was keep a low profile, escape, get better and never see Dillian's ugly little smile ever again.

"Don't talk to him like that! We have no idea if you're tricking us? Do you even know in the slightest where the exit is?" Vania said in a rather offensive tone. Dillian rolled his eyes. "You're not the only ones who want to scarper! I've got a concert to get to, and my quartet is probably in a right old state wondering where on earth I've disappeared to!"

Of course, Vania doesn't know who Dillian actually is, despite her annoyance in the boy, if she knew what he had done to Cole it would quickly turn to fury.
Either that or disappointment
Cole always hated disappointing people... Which is why he COULDN'T tell her! Things were finally going somewhere, and Cole had just barely upgraded to "more than friends." He didn't want to blow it on something so insignificant.
So what did he do?
He kept his mouth shut

H-, he-.... Kept his m-


(10 years ago. Age7)

"Well, well, well look who it is" Cole groaned before slamming his locker shut, "what do you want Dillian?" Dillian smiled down at the boy, "what something? Oh goodness no, what on earth could I possibly want?"
Cole could think of a million different things Dillian could want, but he decided that now wasn't the time to mention them. "Look, I just want to go to my class, ok? Do you think maybe we could postpone the teasing until later?" He asked sarcastically. Dillian just laughed. "Oh I'm terribly sorry Monotone! I've been given a job to do by a good friend of mine... unfortunately for you he is NOT one of your friends though..." Cole didn't have much time to process what that meant before he was forcefully shoved INSIDE his locker! "What can I say?" Dillian said while closing the door, "survival of the fittest mate" Dillian laughed at Cole's failed attempts of escaping, "Dillian! You won't get away with this!" the raven yelled, his voice muffled from lack of room. "Oh yeah!" Dillian laughed back, "I think I shall do just that laddy!" He pressed himself closer to the locker in which Cole was now trapped in, "and you better keep your bloody mouth shut about this Monotone! Or things shall worsen. Cheerio old chap!"
And he left


Why was it always Cole that got picked on?

Probably because of his colour-blindness, hence the nickname "Mono-tone" (Even though it technically isn't the right word since Cole still saw SOME colors) (But I don't think bullies would care about the logistics, and neither did Cole)

"Hey you ok?" Cole looked up to see a small welcoming smile greeting him. "Yeah *cough I'm ok, *Cough thanks Vania" Vania nodded, but had a curious look on her face, "is it because of Dillian? Oh don't let anything he says get the better of you Cole, he's just a posh know-it-all who only cares about himself." Cole gazed down at his feet. if only you knew.

"Oi, you bloody tossers! We've arrived, I suppose.." Dillian called while opening a large door with an exit sign above it. Cole and Vania walked through only to realize that this was the same room they escaped from hours ago. "What *cough no Dillian this" Cole turned around to face the blonde, only to be met with the sight of Dillian slamming the door closed from the outside. With nothing said other than the little click of the door locking.
"Well won't you look at that...That idiot made some use after all..." Said a particularly harsh voice, a voice that somehow sounded vaguely familiar, but at the same time so foreign. "Who's there?" Vania called, "show yourself!"
"Very well" The voice replied, just as a shadowy figure emerged from the... well shadows. It was a man, no doubt, he was wearing a dirty black suit with an even dirtier hood covering his face, the stranger was also wearing a dark brown belt with the symbol of earth on it. "Well... If it isn't my pathetic baby brother."

"The earth is sick and so are you!" (Ninjago angst) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now