Chapter 15

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A/n sorry for the wait! Here it is!

"What do you mean he's Cole's biological brother? Cole doesn't have any brothers except us!" Jay yelled, his voice filled with confusion and a hint of jealousy. The ninja were now back on the bounty flying towards some random direction Wu told them to go. Wu sighed "There is much to tell" He motioned for Kai to light a fire, Kai nodded, set his hands ablaze and tossed the flame into the indoor fireplace, Master Wu cleared his throat then said, "Many moons ago, Word got to be that my former pupil Lily, Cole's mother, had a son. So I visited the Brookstone's house in London, which is Cole's native country." The team nodded, everyone remembered the stories Cole told about his country and how his dad once performed in front of the queen. Although it was a shock at first, (mainly because no one ever pictured Cole with a British accent, which led to some pretty funny imitations on what he would've sounded like) It was common knowledge now. "When I arrived" Continued Wu, "Cole wasn't there, no he wasn't born until some time later, who was there was Leonardo." The way he said Leonardo made it sound like it was some kind of cuss word, and it sent shivers up everyone's spines. Wu sighed and shook his head, "Nardo had great potential, always helping others and protecting animals. At first Lily and I thought that he would be the elemental master of earth..."

"That's impossible!" Jay interrupted, "Cole's the elemental master of earth, there can't be two!"

"Yes Jay, you are quite right" Wu said, "And there's more, so hush!" That made Kai snicker until Wu smacked him on the head with his bo. "Listen! After meeting Nardo, I left and returned to the monastery where I continued to teach those who we're willing to learn. Six years later, Lily gave birth to Cole."

"Six years! That's a massive age gap!" Jay yelled, everyone just stared at him, Kai facepalmed, "Shush Jay let master Wu tell the story." Jay smiled sheepishly but turned his attention back to his sensei. "Eager to meet Lily's second son, I went to visit them again." Wu said, ignoring the interruption, "By this time Cole was four years old, Lily met me from the gate as usual and we began walking through the garden towards the front door. The reason I am mentioning this is because halfway there, we spotted Cole laying on the ground playing with the dirt. At this, Lily looked shocked. Then I realized that he wasn't really playing with the dirt, but rather manipulating the ground."

Sensei Wu sighed happily, "he made these wonderful statues, small ones, but they were beautiful. At that moment I knew I had found the true master of earth." Everyone smiled when he said this,, but when Wu's face darkened they knew that- "There's more, isn't there master?" Lloyd asked. The old man sighed, but this time it was a sad one. "Yes, Nardo didn't take the news very well. Lily made the same mistake that I made with Morro. She told Nardo that he will inherit her powers, and just like with Morro's jealousy towards the green ninja... He had some towards the black one." The ninja all gasped, they thought that was coming but they really didn't want to believe it. "And then what happened?"

"Nardo hated the ground Cole walked on after that day." Wu said miserably, "Being severely older than Cole, Nardo had advantages in fights, and he always won, he did unbearable things to him, embarrassing him whenever he got the chance."

This time Zane spoke up, "So it was not only physical bullying, but emotional as well?"
"Yes Zane" Wu said solemnly, "I do not know how long he mistreated his brother, but whenever I saw Cole he was always covered in bruises and had a frown on his face." At this point Kai had heard enough,

"That's not fair!" He yelled, stomping his foot, "Nardo used his age and strength against him!" Nya grabbed Kai's shoulder gently, "You're right Kai! It's not fair, but there's nothing we can do about it now, I mean this happened 14 years ago!" Kai looked at his sister with fire in his eyes, "Don't you get it Nya? It's horrible and it's gonna happen again! Nardo has Cole captive, And with Cole being sick, he can't fight back, it'll be just like it was when they were kids, but worse!" Anger flowed within the red ninja as he continued to yell relentlessly. "NARDO'LL HURT HIM! HE"LL KNOCK HIM DOWN AND HE WON'T GET BACK UP BECAUSE HE WON'T BE ABLE TO-"

"Enough!" Kai turned towards the voice, it belonged to his master. "Kai, I understand the urgency of this, but shouting at one another will only bring more problems." Kai gritted his teeth, but obliged himself to calm down a little. "Sorry.. I'm just ugh! worried... for him." Jay walked over to his brother and gave him a hug ignoring the fire master's protests, "Me too kai, which is why we're going to get him back, before Nardo can do anything." Kai nodded and they parted from Jay's embrace, turning to Sensei Wu he asked. "How much longer until we get there?" Wu checked the clock hanging on the wall. "2 hours and 23 minutes" Kai nodded, "Then let's suit up!" He yelled to his team, "We have one brother to save and another to pulverize!"


"Well... If it isn't my pathetic baby brother." The man said, eyeing Cole with hatred. Vania eyed the man back, "who are you calling pathetic?" "And *cough brother" Cole butted in. The cruel man laughed "What's the matter Cole? A little under the weather I see? Ha! Of course you are! You're just THAT pathetic." Cole felt a surge of anger rush through him, but he kept his cool, he knew talking back wouldn't help and most likely make things worse. "What?" The stranger smirked, "No response? Figures you were never the talking type anyway." Cole remained silent, although he did wonder how this man knew that. The man laughed "Aww still nothing? Well it's no fun if you don't say anything back!" Cole smirked in reply, Vania stifled a laugh. "Fine!" The man snapped, "Be like that! I'll just continue my villain speech anyway, I've spent weeks preparing it!"

"Long before you were born! I was promised power of great abundance! I was to inherit the very essence of the earth!" Cole raised an eyebrow, "uh *cough hate to break it to you, but *cough *cough" The man sighed, "Yes yes I am well aware that YOU are the elemental master of earth, a very lame one at that, I would make a much better candidate!" Vania gasped, "You want to steal Cole's power?" "NO YOU FOOL! Cole stole my power! I merely want to steal it back" He turned to face the raven, "My mother was Lily Hence Brookstone! And my father was Lou Brookstone, I was born on June 5 2001, and you, Cole, are my, as I said before, PATHETIC little brother." Cole started at the man murderously, before doubling over in heaps of laughter, "*Cough *cough sorry dude, but *cough I don't have a brother, unless *cough you count my *cough friends of course *cough" He said in between giggles. "It is the truth!" The man snapped, "I'm Nardo Kim Brookstone, and your Cole Whatt Brookstone! I was born 6 years before you." He sighed as if he was disappointed. "We could've been great, brother! We could've had everything, if you didn't steal my power" He smirked evilly, "But alas, You made your choice, and now you will suffer from this sickness until I feel like ending you! And do you want to know what the best part is?" Yet again Cole remained silent, but Nardo was too much into his villain speech, he didn't seem to care. "Once you're gone! I will inherit your power!" He laughed evilly

"I'll *cough never let you! I'll *cough *cough *cough." Nardo smirked at his brother/nemesis.

TW (Threats and mentions of death/murder up ahead)

"Oh but you will, Cole, I'm the one who made you sick, by poisoning the earth, just like I did for say, someone else in our family? Someone who was quite close to you maybe?" Nardo smirked as Cole grinded his teeth. "You killed *cough mom! *cough" Nardo rolled his eyes. "Not necessarily, she killed herself! Or rather let herself die." Cole looked back at him confused and somehow even more angry. Nardo laughed, "Oh you're such an idiot Cole! Can't you see where I'm going with this? I poisoned the earth! The world itself should've died, but mother did instead, she sacrificed herself for you! So that YOU COULD STILL USE MY POWER! She wanted you to become a ninja!" Nardo said spitefully, but smirked when Cole looked down guiltily. "Yes Cole! You are the reason for mother's-"

"Now you listen here you big oof! Cole is a wonderful person, he saved my kingdom before and ninjago plenty of times, I didn't know his mother passed, but it seems like YOU'RE the one to blame for her death, not Cole!" Vania said, practically vibrating with unseized anger. Nardo chuckled, "Sorry" He said in a very not sorry way, "I didn't realize Cole needed his girlfriend to stick up for him, nonetheless." He slowly walked towards Cole, getting all up in his face, "You will perish soon, the question is, are you going to take the earth down with you? Or go quietly?" He pushed the raven on to the ground, "You have a few days until this sickness kills you, but don't worry, you'll meet your demise long before then. Guards! Take them back to the cell! And this time make it so they don't escape!" 

A/n Just out of curiosity, who's your fav ninja?

Peace my little writers!

"The earth is sick and so are you!" (Ninjago angst) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now