Chapter 13

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A/n. Hey everyone! 


Before you read the chapter. I just want to give a huge thanks to Lizette from Graphic Forge for making me this brand-new cover! She's studying graphic designs and comes up with amazing pieces! Seriously they look amazing, and I love them all sooooooo much!!

Ok now you can read. Lol. (Thanks again Lizette!)

Cole looked down at the guards who were slowly making their way towards him. Cole looked at Vania who smiled politely at him, so he smiled back. The plan was simple, or as simple as it could get for someone whose literal job is kicking villain's butt. Turning his attention back to his childhood bully and his current captors, Cole noticed that they were now directly underneath the duo. Cole gave Vania the thumbs up and the two jumped down from their hiding spot ambushing the guards. Vania took the one on the right knocking him unconscious with her insane strength, and Cole took the one on the left knocking him unconscious with his spinjitzu, although it resulted in the poor raven throwing up all over again, at least they could now work on escaping. But first there was something else to take care of. "Hey Dillian *cough remember me?" Cole asked with a hint of regret in his voice. Dillian looked too shaken up to respond, granted Cole did have his mask on so he didn't expect him to know immediately. And that was fine by him. The last thing he needed was MORE insults on top of his current problem. "So what now?" Vania asked. "We get out of here" Cole replied, "we have to leave now, *cough we can't stay here its *cough too dangerous." He turned to look at Dillian. "Dillian, you were brought into the lair recently right?" Dillian nodded slowly. "So do you know the way you came in?" Dillian nodded again, and stood up reluctantly. "Yes indeed I do you nitwits! And I am getting out of here, so pip pip cheerio!" He said walking in the direction in which he came. Cole rolled his eyes. "We just saved you! Couldn't you be at least a bit more grateful?" Vania asked, annoyed. "Blimy no, I am far too great for such tomfoolery, if you clowns need me i'll be dancing on broadway!"

'So that's why he's in America." Cole wondered. Vania ran up to the posh boy and pressed him up against the wall. "Listen Dillian is it? We were all captured which means we all need to escape! Together ok? Unless you want me to wake up these guards and they can take you to who knows where doing who knows what with you. Now I can't guarantee you'll get out before your Broadway errand, but hey! You live and learn right?" Dillian rapidly shook his head, so Vania put him down, with a sigh and low grumble the blond motioned for the two to follow him. Cole flashed Vania a grateful smile, before hurrying along towards Dillian.


Kai and Jay stood with their best ninja poses on the bounty's deck, they were approximately 4 minutes away from Mount Terror, and they had wanted to look cool in front of their friends, considering that Cole was kidnapped, the two thought that everyone would be pretty on edge...

Of course they'd have to tell them first, which could. No would definitely make them look bad. So they wanted to look GOOD for as long as possible. Kind of like eating the desert first before the vegetables if you will. Kai used this time to think about what kind of possible torture Cole would be in now. Actually, he didn't want to use the word "torture" maybe distress? He didn't want to dwell on it, but it was no secret that he was indeed worried for one of his best friends and littlest brother. (As they liked to tease him, you know the whole "Transformation from ghost to human resets your age thing") Come to think of it, Kai doesn't know how or when they started babying him, but since Yang told them on day of the departed that Cole was officially considered a newborn, everyone became more... protective? (Much to the earth elemental's dismay)

"The earth is sick and so are you!" (Ninjago angst) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now