Chapter 1

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"You sure you're going to be ok?" Nya asked for the quadruple thousand time "Yes! I'm sure now gooooooo!" Kai pushed his little sister out the door, "Just saying , last time we left you and Cole alone the kitchen burnt down." "Hey!" Nya giggled. "Nya! Are you coming or not?" Jay rushed to his fiancé and plated a quick kiss on her cheek. Kai gagged. "I'm coming, I just want to make sure everything is alright first." "Don't worry my love! If anyone can keep the monastery in one piece it's my 2 best friends!" He gave Kai a teasing look, "And if not, at least we have an excuse to ignore Cole's cooking!" Kai rolled his eyes but reluctantly found himself agreeing. "Yeah yeah yeah just go have fun it's a wedding!" He slammed the door shut. "It's not our wedding!" He heard Jay call, through the door. "It's Lloyd's cousin's! And I don't get why you don't have to go!" "Someone has to watch over Ninjago!" He yelled back

Kai found himself wandering the halls of the monastery, needless to say he was bored, 'maybe I could annoy Cole' he smiled and turned towards the gaming room. He wasn't surprised to find the raven drawing, a hobby he picked up since he was a kid, the team always wondered how Cole was able to create such art even with his red and green colorblindness. "What ya drawing." "A dragon." He flipped his sketchbook around to show what was indeed a dragon. Kai nodded "That's actually pretty good, how did you learn to draw like that?" "My mom taught me." He pulled his dragon closer. "She used to be a painter, she even got the chance to go to Paris and paint the Eiffel Tower." Kai frowned "Judging by your tone I'm guessing she didn't get round to doing that?" Cole shook his head slowly staring down at his page, tears threatening to fall. 'Teasing will have to wait.' "I bet she'll be proud of you." Cole's gaze shifted so that now he was staring directly at his brother. "You think so?" "Definitely" Kai walked over and sat next to Cole very much engaged in his dragon. "You know it's kinda ironic how the guy who was afraid of dragons spends his time drawing them." Cole chuckled at Kai's statement. "I'm not anymore, airhead, I got over that fear when I met Rocky." "No you didn't! You lier! It took you 3 months to even step foot in the dragon coop!" Cole let out an exaggerated gasp. "It was only 2!" Kai shrugged. "Close enough." Cole felt his eyes roll, "I'm hungry." He decided, he placed his sketchbooks on the table before getting up and bolted to the kitchen, "you want anything?" "Not if you're making it!" "Hey!" Kai smirked, Cole was a good drawer, but honestly a terrible chef. "Relax dirtclod, I'll help you." Cole waved his hands in protest. "Phtttt I don't need babysitting." Kai got up from his spot on the couch, "you do if you're cooking." He gave his companion a playful nudge, "Or do you need me to remind you about what happened last time?" Cole snorted, "yeah whatever Kai." Kai chuckled then followed his adoptive brother to the doom sentence, I uh mean the kitchen.

"Mmmmmmmm" Cole stood in front of the cabinets, "what should we make?" Kai leaned on the counter, "I don't know, you're the one that wanted to cook!" "How about a cake." Cole reached for the flour and brought it to where Kai was. "Do I really get a choice?" "Nope! We're baking!" He looked smirked "or do I need to remind you what happened last time, when we tried to cook?" "Touché." Kai grabbed the sugar. While Cole got the rest of the ingredients. "Ok we first need to separate the wet ingredients from the dry ones, then we crack 2 eggs into a bowl, 3 cups of milk and 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract." Kai did as he was told, "Great, now let's mix it until it's smooth." Kai skeptically began to stir. "How do you know all this? I thought you sucked at cooking." Kai looked over at Cole who dumped a truckload of flour into a different bowl. "It's cake Kai, anything is possible." He hummed in response, "Now get the chocolate." "Chocolate? I thought we were making vanilla?" Cole rolled his eyes. "It's not for the cake dummy, it's for ME!" Kai laughed and handed it to Cole, "gimme!" About half an hour later (and a flour fight that they agreed on never mentioning again.) The cake was finished. As soon as it was out of the oven Cole wasted no time in cutting himself a generous slice. Kai upon watching this looked at his brother like someone just told him he had 5 minutes left to live. "Shouldn't we let it cool first?" "Nom wey mmmm" He replied. "What about icing?" "Teks, boo, wrong." He swallowed, "Besides, why would you make something so beautiful on its own only to cover it up with nothing more than a sugary liquid?" Kai shrugged before opting for his own slice. "Mmmmmmmm day es good!" The two boys finished off the rest of the cake not bothering to save any for the others.

Kai checked the clock. "11:55, we should go to bed, got training tomorrow." Cole groaned "Really? Sensi is gone for a week and you want to train?" "Hey, the whole reason we got to stay behind is because we promised to protect Ninjago! How can we if we're sloppy?" The younger crosses his arms. "Since when did you become the responsible one?" "Since now. Now let's go." Kai gestured to the door, "Not tired." He stopped to take a look at his brother who had a nasty look on his face. "Cooooollllleee! It's bedtime!" "Kaaaaaaiiiiiii it's play time!" "Coleman Wyatt Brookstone! Go to bed this instant!" The latter chuckled "yes mom!" He dashed to his room "And don't forget training tomorrow!" Kai called after him. "I won't" Kai shook his head but couldn't stop the smile from creeping onto his lips. "What an idiot." He whispered to himself. Cole's voice was heard from across the hall. "I heard that!"

The red head's smile only grew. "Doesn't make it any less true!" He called back, before hurriedly dashing to his quarters. 'Man this is going to be fun' he thought before jumping into bed and letting the sweet sensation of sleep overtake him.

"The earth is sick and so are you!" (Ninjago angst) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now