hey everyone! sorry it's not a chapter. Let me explain.

I'm having trouble writing usually it only takes me like 1-2 hours to write a chapter, but the one I'm working on now has taken me about 3 or 4 days! And it's not even finished!

don't worry, I'm still continuing this book, but i need to ask you guys what you want for the next chapter.

should it be? 

A. What's happening where Zane is

B. The journey to the wailing alps

C. uh well there's no c, but still let me know in the comments! Please!

I'll give you guys a couple days to respond, the reason I'm asking is because I want to know what YOU want to read, instead of guessing.

see I'm not all bad? (except when it comes to cooking)

Oh, updates will decrease in time, I'm currently writing another fanfic, Cole central ofc! I won't spoil too much but let's just say he's lucky he's got his big brothers there to help, with his, ahem, little problem.


Anyways, gtg!

"The earth is sick and so are you!" (Ninjago angst) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now