Taking a break

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Hey guys and girls! Soooooooooooooooooooo yeah I know what the title says and I just want to say I'm sorry.

I am taking a break due to writer's block, I'd rather chill for a bit and then keep writing rather than pushing through and it comes out wrong or doesn't make sense, which could ruin the entire book.

Dw I do plan on finishing it and I'm not swearing off of Wattpad or anything, I'm merely just taking a break on this one fanfic. (That kind of reminds me of Ross and Rachel, ngl) 
BUT! I will be posting more on other fanfics, so I don't become completely... distant? idk the word, ok? English is hard

Actually, I need your guys help deciding what fanfic I should write first.

A. Saving Cole's Yesterdays. (Where Cole is kidnapped and forced to drink a tea that makes him slowly de age by day. e.g He's 18 today and 17 tomorrow. The ninja has to travel through realms to find special ingredients for a new tea that can return Cole back to normal, all while dealing with a mini ninja progressively getting smaller, younger and mischievous)


B. A Cole centric One-shot book.

Keep in mind that by the time I get writers block from the one you choose I'll jump straight back to "The earth is sick and so are you!"
Thats about it, sorry for the inconvenience guys. Oh, and I do take requests if anyone is wondering.

Peace my little writer! Hope you can forgive me! (Oh, and thanks you guys so much for 1000 reads!!!) (Well almost a 1000, as of now 2024/06/11 12:47pm I have 997. But I'll probs get 1000 soon) (I hope)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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"The earth is sick and so are you!" (Ninjago angst) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now