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Saturday 19th January
9:00 am
Wayne's BBQ Grill
Atlanta, Georgia

Kayla gets to work early to kiss up to her uncle, which she knew was easy since they had a good relationship.

"Good morning unc" she says, putting her phone in her pocket. "Come through, I'll show you the ropes" he responds and she follows him.

"So this is Laticia. She's gonna be working with you almost every day" he says and Kayla nods, to let him know she understands.

"You'll be taking orders and cleaning today and Imma get you to do some deliveries. Is that cool?" he asks and Kayla nods, just wanting to get on with it.


"Kayla we had a pre-order they need the food in an hour. Imma give you the address can you handle that?" he asks and Kayla nods. "Yeah I'll do it"

"Hi! Welcome to Wayne's BBQ. How can I help?" Kayla looks up at the taller, dark-skinned man standing in front of her. "You new here? I ain't seen you here before." he says and she fake smiles.

"Yeah, I'm new here. How can I help?" she asks. "Well first off, a number 3 and second, your number" he says and she rolls her eyes at his dumb joke and punches in the order. "So that's a no?" he asks and she laughs a little.

"I got a man. It's $20". He laughs and puts a 20 on the counter before walking away.

"Okay Kayla I need you to make that drop for me" her uncle says, putting 5 big bags on the table and handing her a delivery bag. She fills up the delivery bag and carries it to her car. She gets in the car and puts the address on the maps app.

"Damn... 25 minutes?". She starts the drive, blasting Snooze on the speakers and nodding her head. "I can't loseeeee. When I'm with youuuuu" she sings as she drives.

As she approaches she sees her house and looks around, recognising the area. She drives up to the destination which is one of the really big mansions. She parks outside the closed gates and gets out of the car. She rings the buzzer and watches as someone answers.

"It's a delivery for..." she goes and looks at the receipt. "For fanum".

"Oh yeah. I'll let you in" a male voice says through the intercom. She gets back in her car and as the gates open she drives up the driveway. She sees a chubby, light-skinned guy with cornrows who she assumes is 'Fanum'. He approaches the car and she hops out.

fanum's POV

This girl hops out and GOD DAMN. What is she doing working at a BBQ joint? She needa go model or something.

End of POV

"Hello...?" she says and he blinks. "Huh?" she chuckles and grabs the delivery bag out of the back seat. "I was saying what you need all this food for? You got a party or something?".

"Nah me and the boys live here" he says and she smiles, taking the bags out. "I can't carry all this fr. Might need you to come help me" he says and she looks at him.

"Where the boys at?" she asks and he laughs. "Damn, I was tryna make a move but okay" he says and goes inside to call one of the boys. Kayla laughs and shakes her head as a Tall dreadhead comes out.

"Thank you ma'am" the dreadhead says, taking the rest of the bags from her. "No problem sir" she giggles, getting back in the car. Kayla rolls down her window and takes another glance at the dreadhead, wondering where she recognises him.

Fanum's POV

"Did you see the ass on her tho? Bro she too fine to be working at a BBQ joint" I say and Duke nods in agreement.

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