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PSA: Accidentally deleted this chapter so it is short as fuck as I'm trying to remember what the fuck I wrote but just read this then go to the next one because this is practically a filler chapter.

Thursday 14th February
Kayla's Place

Jarelle walks in the room holding breakfast and he gently taps Kayla to wake her up. She opens her eyes and looks up.

"YOURE BACK!?" she jumps up as he puts down the tray and holds her tightly.

"Yeah i'm back. Happy valentine's day mama" he says and pecks her lips.

She smiles and pecks his lips again before sitting down and putting the breakfast on her lap.

She pulls out her phone and takes a quick picture. "So..." Jarelle starts and she looks at him.

"I'm going on tour with Saweetie... and I want you to come" he says and her jaw drops.

"I love saweetie" she smiles and dances a little in her seat as he laughs.

"I know... so we going to all different places but I have to leave tomorrow. After that we're coming back to Georgia" he explains and she smiles.

"I'm so proud of you baby" she keeps eating and he smiles.

"How was everything with your uncle?" she asks, continuing to eat.

"Yeah it was all good... i don't really wanna talk about it too tough" he responds and she nods.

"Anyway. I'm taking you to dinner at 6 and then I got something nice for you" he says and she nods, smiling as she eats.

Kayla sits in front of her mirror doing her makeup. She smacks her lips together and looks in the mirror as Jarelle showers.

Her phone rings and she picks it up and puts it on speaker after seeing it's a call from Mocha. "HE PROPOSEDDDD" Mocha screams and Kayla screams too.

"NO FUCKING WAY" Kayla screams and Jarelle comes running out of the bathroom.

"KENTRELL PROPOSED" Kayla screams and Jarelle chuckles.

"Damn Kentrell setting the bar high huh" Jarelle laughs and walks back into the bathroom.

"Oh my god i'm so happy for you girl!!!" Kayla does a little dance and Mocha laughs.

"I gotta go cause we in public but I love you" Mocha says before hanging up.

Kayla and Jarelle both get ready before heading to the restaurant. They spend the whole car journey singing to old R&B music.

They get there and he parks outside and gets out. He goes around the car and opens her door. She smiles as she gets out the car and links arms with him

As Jarelle and Kayla sit at the dinner table he reaches over and holds her hand.

She looks up at him and smiles. All she can help but think is how she's losing love for this man.

She was once in love with him and wanted to be practically in his skin and now, because of everything happening she didn't even want to be near him sometimes.

She fakes it to him all the time but... she's not in love with this man.

"Baby..." Jarelle waves in front of her face and she snaps out of her thoughts. "Hm...?"

"Red or white?" he asks, referring to the wine. She smiles and looks at the waiter "Red please"

Friday 15th February
Kayla's Place

Jarelle left in the morning so Kayla sits with Mocha in her house so they can chill together.

"So how did everything go with Jarelle?" Mocha asks and Kayla shrugs.

"It was fine. He bought me a necklace I bought him airpods cause he been wanting the airpods max" Kayla responds and Mocha nods.

"Mocha im not in love with him" Kayla says and releases a breath she didn't know she was holding.

"Really?" Mocha asks and Kayla nods, looking down.

"Ever since he got aggressive with me I ain't been in love with him. It's like he's a completely different person and his energy is just off" Kayla explains and Mocha nods.

"You my sister so however you feel I can always support you. I know it's hard to accept the truth so you already took a big step" Mocha responds as Kayla hugs her.

"Let's go get something to eat" Kayla says and looks up at Mocha.

They get up and head out the house. They get in Kayla's car and she starts driving. She stops outside the AMP house and starts calling chris.

After a few rings he picks up. "Hey come outside let's go get food" Kayla says before Chris can even speak.

"Ight give me five" he responds and hangs up.

Chris, Kayla, Mocha and Fanum walk into chipotle as Fanum insisted on coming as he was hungry.

After getting their food they sit at a table and start to eat. Kayla looks up, seeing someone familiar and she gasps.

"Rio!?" Kayla says and her cousin turns around. "Oh shit, Kayla" he says and comes over with his food.

"How you been?" he asks and she gestures hun to sit down.

"I've been better. How about you?" she asks and he nods.

"Yeah i been good. I just moved out here" he responds and she smiles.

"This is Fanum by the way" Kayla says and they both laugh.

"We already know eachother" Fanum says and Kayla hums. "Small world" she responds and shrugs.

"You still with Jarelle or whatever his name is?" Rio asks and Kayla nods.

"Yeah..." she trails off and keeps eating "You still with that Anaya girl?"

"Nah she wasn't my girl anyway. She was a hoe" Rio nonchalantly says and shrugs.

Kayla laughs and rolls her eyes at him. "You're such a hoe" she says and he laughs too

"Don't hate the player, hate the game" he says as he starts eating his food. 

To be continued

Told you it was short. was originally like 2k words and now it's 1k because I DELETED IT.

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