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1 week later
Monday 10th March
Kayla's Place

Kayla begins to get ready to go shopping with the Mocha which they previously planned the night before so they could pick up some last minute things for Mocha's party.

She puts on a black jumpsuit with a v cut out next and chest area. She pairs it with a white sleeveless coat and white air forces.

She slicks her natural hair into a ponytail, leaving two curly pieces to hang out the front before grabbing her purse and heading downstairs.

She leaves the house and gets into her car, switching it on before pulling out of her driveway.

After finally reaching the mall, Kayla goes straight to Victoria's secret as she knows that's where Mocha will be.

She walks in and sees Mocha looking at underwear. "Heyyy" Kayla says, approaching her friend.

She and Mocha hug and they spin around. "Damn girl i'm so sorry I been busy" Mocha says and giggles.

The girls start to walk around the mall, heading for sephora. "Look it's Fanum and Kai" Mocha says, pointing.

Kayla looks up and makes her contact with Fanum. Both boys start to approach them and suddenly someone steps in front of her.

She steps back and looks up seeing a darkskin man with dreads. "Sorry to disturb you but you are so beautiful" the man says and Kayla smiles.

Fanum and Kai approach as the guy keeps talking to Kayla. "Thanks, i'm Kayla" she says as he holds his hand out.

"Darius" he responds as she shakes his hand. "I'm in a rush right now but put yo number in my phone imma hit you up"

Fanum looks at the guy as he speaks and tries to contain his jealousy. He's not even sure why he still likes Kayla or why he's feeling jealous but he knows he does and he doesn't like it.

Kayla thinks for a second and Mocha grabs his phone, putting Kayla's number in before handing it to him. "That's her number, byeee" Mocha says, pulling Kayla away before she can object.

"You're so annoying" Kayla laughs and Mocha shrugs.

She turns to Fanum, expecting him to hug her but he puts his hands in his pockets. "You good?" she asks and he nods.

"What y'all doing?" Kai asks and Kayla shrugs.

"Just picking up some last minute stuff for the party tonight. Y'all coming?" Kayla asks, looking at Fanum who just nods, looking at his phone.

"Ew what's wrong with him?" Kayla joking mugs him and he just ignores her.

"Anyway. I'll see you guys later cause we have girly things to do" Kayla says, walking away from them.

It's now around 6pm and Kayla has finished getting ready for the party. She had put on a white body suit which is cut in a v shape down the cleavage and to her upper tummy with denim booty shorts.

She puts on a waist chain and her jewellery before spraying herself in her YSL Libre perfume.

She goes down the stairs and out her front door, waiting on Mocha's limo to arrive. Mocha has planned her party all the way from the transport to the talent which will be Lil Baby.

As the limo arrives she gets in and is greeted by Mocha's sister and cousin. They hand her a glass of champagne and the ride starts again.

"It's been foreverrr how you been girl?" Kayla asks Mocha's cousin, Tricia.

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