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22nd January
Wayne's BBQ & Grill

Kayla starts getting her things together after calling Jarelle for a ride home as she has left her car. She puts all her things into her bag and goes and gets her coat from the staff room.

"Kayla come here please" Wayne says, gesturing her over to the kitchen. Kayla walks over, taking off her gloves and he hands her the delivery bag. "Same address you went to a few days ago. Then you can be back at 12" he responds.

Kayla leaves through the front door with the bag and sees Jarelle's car outside. He gestures her over and she goes over to the car. "I gotta make this last delivery before I get off" she says, hopping in.

"Where I needa take you?" he asks and she puts on her seatbelt. "It's one of the neighbours" he responds and looks out the window. He starts driving and puts his hand on her thigh.

"I love the fuck outta you" he says and she smiles, holding his hand. "Youn wanna say it back?" he asks and she rolls her eyes.

"Jarelle you know I love your annoying ass" she responds and leans over to peck his lips. After a good 20 minutes Jarelle arrives to the neighbourhood and Kayla directs him where to go. She gets out the car and presses the buzzer.

*bzzzz* *bzzzz* *bzzzz*

"One second" she hears an unfamiliar voice say and she gets back in the car. The gates slowly open and Jarelle drives up, looking at the huge house. "This ain't shit I could buy this right now" he says, cockily.

She scoffs and gets out the car, holding the bag. Fanum comes out and she looks at Jarelle before approaching Fanum. "Wassup girl" Fanum says, taking the bag from her. She smiles and opens up the bag.

"This is more food than you got last time" she jokes, making him laugh and hands him each bag. He goes inside and comes back out the get the rest. "You gone give me your Instagram now?" he asks and she shakes her head.

fanum's POV

I look down at Kayla and then over at her man's car. He sits there, mean mugging me and I furrow my eyebrows. There's just something about him...

I look back down at Kayla and see rubbing up and down her neck in a nervous manner. "You good?" I ask and she nods, putting her hands in her pockets.

"Kayla get the fuck in the car now damn" her man yells and I look up at him. Kayla turns around and goes straight to the car. She gets in and sighs as he just mugs her.

I wave and go inside, placing the bags on the kitchen table. "That nigga beating on her or some shit I don't know" I say, looking at the boys.

"Fanum you want the girl so bad maybe she just happy with her man" Duke says and I shrug

End of POV

Jarelle and Kayla approach their house. Jarelle has been quiet the whole journey and she has been trying to talk to him. He starts getting out the car and she pulls him back.

"I don't want you to do nothing you might try to apologise for. So before we go inside are you mad?" she asks and he shrugs.

"Baby I don't need other niggas all up on you. You gotta leave that job" he responds and she rolls her eyes.


Kayla gets back to the joint and sees Mocha sitting at a table. "I MISSED YOUUU" she shouts, seeing Kayla. Kayla hugs her tightly and kisses her cheek.

"Imma get us some food real quick" Kayla says, disappearing to the back. After a little while she comes back with food and they sit down together to eat.

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