653 23 2

- the next day -
25th March

Kayla wakes up in Fanum's bed. She sits up and yawns, looking over at him as he's still asleep.

She hears knocking from a distance and gets up, walking over to Fanum's door and opening it.

Kayla sees Benet standing at her door and Benet's jaw drops. "Not you slept in his room" she walks in.

Kayla and Benet go through the connecting doors to Kayla's room and sit down. "Girl we just fell asleep please" she laughs.

"Uhhh..." Benet points to Kayla's neck and Kayla's jaw drops. She gets up and looks in the mirror before facepalming.

"OH EM GEE WHOREEEE" Benet laughs and Kayla throws a shoe at her.

"Help me fix this" Kayla groans and grabs her makeup bag, handing it to Benet.

They begin to put makeup on Kayla's neck as they need to go to breakfast and Kayla doesn't want anyone knowing anything.

Fanum walks into the room, stretching and Benet tries not to laugh. He looks at them and starts laughing.

"I thought we wasn't telling nobody" he says, sitting down.

"She just turned up... she's a smart little girl" Kayla teases her and Benet smacks her lips. "My bad. Grown ass woman"

Fanum watches as they cover it up perfectly. "Go get ready so we can get breakfast" Benet says, looking at him

They all get ready and Kayla makes her bed, before putting her straightened hair into a claw clip.

The three go down to breakfast where everyone else is already waiting. "Where y'all been?" Mocha asks and Kayla shrugs.

They all put food on their plates before sitting at a large table on the patio. "I cannot sleep in this heat. Did you sleep?" chris asks, looking at Kayla.

"Mmm barely" Kayla glances at Fanum before looking back at Chris and Fanum chuckles a little, causing Kayla to hold back a laugh.

Benet smirks, shaking her head at the two. Mocha looks between them and tilts her head, before choosing to not say anything and continuing to eat.

"What we doing today?" Rio asks, looking at Kayla.

"We're gonna go to Pepe's" Kayla responds, looking at Rio who rolls his eyes. "I knowww but you haven't spoken to them in years and they don't hate you"

"Yes they do... they think everybody's perfect they just don't understand my fuck ups" he shrugs, continuing to eat.

When Rio went to prison, all the family back home found out and ever since they just act weird around him.

"Wait... Pepe's? Like in the village?" Fanum asks and Kayla nods.

"You know it?" Rio asks and Fanum nods. "Hell yeah nigga I used to go there damn near everyday when I was little. My ma grew up with the owner"

"That's my tio's place that I told you about" Kayla says and Fanum nods in realisation. "Small world"

"How the fuck is your hair already messy it's day 2" Kayla laughs and pulls at one of his braids.

He smacks his lips and pushes her head, making her backhand him in the arm. He leaves her alone and she laughs. "Pussy"

She picks up her phone and begins to scroll when suddenly, it gets yanked out of her hands and Fanum starts running.

"This nigga." Kayla stands up and starts chasing him, while everyone else just sits there laughing.

She catches up to him and jumps on his back. He's caught off guard and he falls onto the sand. She sits on his back, grabbing her phone before rolling off and laying down.

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