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1 month later
27th April

Fanum and Rio walk into Wingstop and Rio's face drops when he sees Jarelle's cousn. He comes over to them and Rio pushes him back.

"Don't get too close lil nigga you wanna get beat up again!?" Rio asks. "Tell Kayla while she out being a hoe, Jarelle's in the hospital he got jumped in his cell"

Rio laughs and Fanum does too. The cousin screws up his face and swings at Rio. Rio stops laughing and grabs him by his shirt.

"You don't want this I promise you... You want this!?" Rio asks before pushing him back. The cousin gets up and swings again.

He and Rio start fighting and Fanum let's Rio get his ones before jumping in too.

Meanwhile, Kayla sits on her bed messaging Fanum. She has already sent him a few messages and had no response.

She can feel herself getting agitated as she instantly starts thinking he's with another girl. She throws her phone on the bed and puts her face in her hands.

She only feels this way because of how betrayed she was by Jarelle but now she's stressing about if Fanum might be cheating too.

A few days before, Fanum went out with the boys and almost all the snaps had a lot of girls in it. Kayla didn't want to be jealous but she hoped that Fanum stays loyal even when she's not around.

Her phone pings and she picks it up, seeing a message from Fanum.

Sorry we were shooting a video. Imma come get you in a second

She responds with an 'i'll meet you at your place' before getting up and leaving her house. The walk to the AMP house is around 5 minutes so she makes it there in no time.

She knocks the door and leans against the doorframe, waiting for someone to open up. Kai opens up the door and she smiles "Heyy"

"How you doing?" he pulls her in for a hug. "Yeah i'm good... where's Fanum?"

"He just left but you can wait inside" Kai responds and Kayla nods, walking in. She sees Duke and Chris also sitting inside. They greet eachother and she sits down next to Chris.

"What video did y'all do?" Kayla asks and Chris looks at her. "Nah we ain't shooting until tomorrow. But tomorrow it's BBW Football"

"Hm..." Kayla hums, why would Fanum tell her they're shooting if they aren't. The front door opens and closes and then Fanum walks into the room with wingstop bags.

He places the bags down on the table "I just got whatever I forgot what everybody wanted" Fanum says before sitting with Kayla.

He kisses her on the cheek "You hungry?". She shakes her head "Where were you?"

"I told you... the video" Fanum repeats the same lie and Kayla stares at him blankly. "They told me you didn't do a video so i'm gonna ask you again... where were you?"

"Okay okay. I saw Jarelle's cousin while I was going to get food and he was just talking all crazy so Rio beat his ass" Fanum says and Kayla's jaw drops.

"Where's Rio now?" she asks. "He ended up just going home but he said he'll come over later"

"Apparently Jarelle's in hospital cause he got his ass beat. I wonder who did that" Fanum shrugs and keeps eating, knowing he set the whole thing up.

"I don't care" Kayla responds and takes one of his wings.

After eating, Kayla and Fanum go upstairs in his room. He sits on the bed and she sits on his lap and wraps her arms around him.

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