688 22 21

26th May
Punta Cana, DR

Kayla and Fanum lay in bed with his arms wrapped around her waist. "You wanna go get breakfast?" she asks, looking at him.

"Mhmm in a bit". She rolls over to face him and she smiles.

"I really like you... but I don't want you to think i'm not serious about this. I want us to do this at a steady pace" she admits and he looks down at her.

"Who said I wanted you?" he teased and she rolls her eyes, putting her hand on the side of his face.

"We can work at your pace we got time" Fanum says and pecks her lips. They get up and get ready for breakfast.

"I just want you to know I don't love Jarelle. I haven't for a long time but my emotions are still up and down" Kayla says, looking at him.
"That's okay ma, i'm here for you like always"

After getting ready they begin to walk down and he looks down at her. "So you all mine now huh?"

"As long as you all mine then yeah" she smiles and keeps walking. "I don't wanna tell everybody though... as in I don't wanna be on social media. I don't mind telling everybody else"

"Nah this our business it's all good" Fanum says as they get to the breakfast area. Being the first there, they plate up their food and sit on the terrace to wait for everyone else.

"Heyyy" Benet says from behind and comes over, holding her plate.

"Good morninggg" Kayla smiles as Benet sits next to her.

"Did y'all sleep orrr?" she asks and Kayla smacks her lips.

"Yes we went to sleep" she laughs and everyone else comes over with their plates.

"What we doing today?" Mocha asks as everyone sits down.

"We should go to the coco bongo strip tonight" Kayla says, looking at Fanum.

"I'm down... What we doing in the day though?" he asks and Kayla shrugs.

"Kayla what is that?" Rio asks and she looks at him, confused. She remembers about the hickey on her neck and mentally facepalms

"Right there" he points at her neck, smirking. Everybody is now looking at her and she just shrugs.

"I been straightening these bundles remember. Don't act slow" she mugs him and he hums, continuing to eat.

"That ain't no burn but..." Chris says and holds his hands up.

Rio gets up to go get a drink and Kayla and Fanum begin to speak in spanish.

"They're so in my business (in spanish)" Kayla laughs and Fanum does too.

"I should've made it darker (in spanish)" Fanum responds and Kayla smacks her lips and smiles.

"We can go jet skiing" Kayla says, turning to look at everyone else. Rio sits back down and Kayla looks at him.

"Let's go jet skiing later" she says and Rio nods.

After eating, everyone goes up to their own rooms and Fanum sits on his bed. Kayla sits on his lap and puts her arm around him.

"You wanna go down to the beach?" she asks and he shrugs.

"Well I do so i'm gonna change" she said and stood up. After grabbing a bikini she closed the curtains and sat on the bed about to take off her top when the door knocks.

Fanum gets up and opens the door, seeing Kai and Duke. They walk in and Kayla looks up.

"Y'all fuckin or what?" Kai asks, sitting down and Kayla smacks her lips. "Don't be annoying" she responds and crosses her legs.

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