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(guys I know it's been a week don't fight me)

- the next day -
11th March
Kayla's Place

Kayla goes to the guest room where Rio's staying after he messaged her to let her know he's awake.

He moves up on the bed so she can sit. After sitting she takes a deep breath "You good?" he asks and she nods.

"Mhm... I did something" Kayla admits, looking at him. "I kissed Fanum... like i'm a grown ass woman ugh"

Rio just laughs and shakes his head "Exactly so what's the problem? It don't matter"

"Nah I can't get into nothing right now... it's too much for me" Kayla sighs and Rio puts his arm around her.

They get out of bed and Rio makes up the bed. Kayla leaves the room and sees Fanum also leaving the guest room.

"You good?" he asks and she nods. "I gotta go but imma call you later"

"Okay..." she trails off, still feeling nervous about what happened.

After Rio and Fanum go home, Kayla calls Benet and Mocha to come over later.

Kayla loves that fast ass little girl for some reason. She walks down her stairs and fixes herself a cappuccino before going outside to check the mailbox.

She grabs all the mail and walks back in the house, flicking through them. The front door knocks and Kayla goes and opens it, seeing Benet and Mocha.

They come inside and they all sit down on the couch. "So I can come on the vacay with y'all" Benet says.

"Yayyy... I gotta tell y'all something serious" Kayla says and they both look at her. "Me and Fanum made out last night"

They both gasp and Mocha starts laughing. "Damn you just couldn't resist him huh?"

"If all happened so fast but... I can't get into nothing right now." Kayla responds and Benet is still shocked.

"I won't lie to you... you needa get up in there Kayla" Benet says and Kayla shakes her head, laughing.

"You so annoying. But for real y'all i'm confused right now. I feel like a hoe" Kayla plays with her hair and Mocha shrugs.

"You're a grown ass woman you can do what you want. Don't let any thoughts about Jarelle stop you"

"Youre right..." Kayla trails off, reaching for her laptop. "I'm gonna add Benet to the vacay before it gets too late, you bring your passport?"

"Nah I got a picture though" Benet responds, pulling up her phone.

The girls end up adding Benet to the vacay and after Kayla gets ready they all go to the mall where Kayla starts her first ever vlog.

They walk inside the mall and Kayla takes a deep breath as it's the same mall where everything went down.

"You good? We can go to the other one if you want" Mocha says and Kayla slowly nods.

"I'm okay... let's go" Kayla responds and the girls all walk to a boutique where they can get outfits for vacay.

They begin to look at the clothes on the rail and Benet grabs a dress which she goes into the changing room to try on.

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