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Thursday 20th February
AMP House

"You're so annoying" Kayla laughs as Chris keeps taking food off of her plate. They are currently sat in the AMP house in Chris' room, watching Law & Order.

Kayla has the day off work due to a burst pipe so she wanted to use the time to chill. Chris asked her to come over as nobody else is home and he was bored.

He takes another fry off her plate and she hits him. "You got your food right there. Nobody told your fast ass to get mashed potatoes" she laughs.

"Damn. Feisty ass" he keeps eating his food and they both keep their eyes on the TV.

"I gotta leave for tour in the morning. I managed to get two weeks off of work" she keeps eating her food and turns to face Chris.

"Damn. Where y'all going to?" he asks and she looks at her phone.

"Georgia first and then it might be South Carolina... I can't remember" she finishes up with her food and goes to his bathroom to wash her hands.

She hears Fanum's voice and she leaves the bathroom and walks over. "Heyy" she smiles.

"Wassup. You still going on tour tomorrow?" he asks and she nods.

"Yeah that reminds me. I need to go do some shit around the house and pack my bag. I'll see y'all later" she side hugs both of them before leaving the house

Friday 21st February

Kayla, Kentrell and Mocha all arrive at the hotel they'll be staying in for the first night. After checking in, Kayla heads up to Jarelle's room while Kentrell and Mocha get their room

Kayla walks into the room and sees Jarelle sitting on the bed. He looks up and opens his arms.

She stands between his legs and he wraps his arms around her. "How you doing ma?" he asks and Kayla sits on his lap.

"I'm finee. I got two weeks off of work so I can stay with you for a little bit" she smiles and he pecks her lips.

Kayla wants to tell him how she's been feeling but she doesn't want to ruin the tour for him so she stays silent for now.

"You hungry?" he asks and she shakes her head. "Kentrell got us food. We gotta get dressed the show starts in less than two hours" she says and opens up her bag.

She takes out her outfit and Jarelle also starts getting ready. "This is so big for you Jarelle, i'm so proud of you" she smiles.

"You stopped calling me baby or something?" he asks and she rolls her eyes. "Stop playing" she responds as she puts on her outfit.

After doing her outfit she plugs in her straighteners as she starts doing her makeup. She tidies up her hair and puts on her shoes.

They go down and wait in the lobby for everyone. Saweetie comes down with her team and Kayla tries not to fangirl.

"Heyy you must be Kayla?" she says and Kayla nods as she hugs her. "Nice to meet you" Kayla says and smiles.

"We can talk after this I wanna get to know you girl. You so pretty" Saweetie smiles and Kayla nods as the show starts.

"Rich Nigga, Eight figure that's my type" Saweetie begins to rap as Kayla, Mocha, Kentrell, Jarelle and his team stand at the side of the stage just vibing.

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