19| Christmas fight

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I read the text again

Hiiiii Matty, I think it's time we hang again or bang I don't really mind both

Disgusted. That's how I feel right now. "What's wrong?" Mattheo asks confused.

"What's wrong? Maybe your ex girlfriend texting some very disturbing messages" I respond.

"What are you talking about?" he asks as his eyebrows furow. I hand him the phone as I bite my cheek.

"Y/n, I swear to you I don't know what she means. We never hooked up. I don't even know how she got my number" Mattheo starts putting cookies on the counter.

"Yeah right" I scoff. "You don't trust me?" he says narrowing his eyes at me. "Well, I did but now I'm overthinking it" I respond.

"You really think I would cheat on you? You think so low of me, don't you?" he says fake laughing.

"Oh, don't turn this on you. You are not the victim here" I say throwing my hands in the air.

"Oh and you are?" he scoffs rolling his tongue inside his cheek. "Well I guess you could call it that" I respond.

"I can't belive this. I can't belive you. You think so fucking low of me when all I tried was to give my best to you and this is what I get" he shrugs.

"Yeah right cause I am so awful and don't do anything for you. I just boss you around" I respon.

"I never said that" he jumps in defense. "But you thought it" I respond. "How would you know" he asks.

I keep silent cause I don't have an answer. "Exactly, you think I am just like everyone else and you don't bother giving me a chance to explain, always jumping to conclusions" he says.

"Well what an I supposed to think after seeing that message" I say raising an eyebrow.

"Well maybe you could have a tiny bit of trust in me and hear my side of story before accusing me of something I did NOT do" he says making air quotes.

"Oh, whatever, do not even go near me today" I say as I'm about to walk away. "So you're just gonna walk away" he says.

"Like who the hell cares, you think I'm gonna go running after you. I am not going to fall for your manipulative games" he says.

"Right, because I am the one manipulating here" I say scoffing as I roll my eyes.

"Come back when you calm down" he yells after me as I walk away to my room.

Ugh, I can't belive he did this. I mean partly I feel bad cause I did accuse him without listening.

But like what am I supposed to though after reading that. Especially 'again' it makes no sense.

And just as I'm about to go to take a nap to calm myself down I remember Christmas is in a week.

I immediately get out of bed. Pull on slippers and run down the stairs. Mattheo seems to be also went to his room cause there is no one in the kitchen.

I look at my schedule. Nothing. Perfect. I run upstairs and get ready in matter of minutes before I ran downstairs again.

I take keys to Mattheo's I mean my car. Cause what his is mine, right? Even if we're in a fight.

And just as I'm about to head out. "You're going out?" I hear a voice behind me. Mattheo.

"Yeah" I respond coldly. "May I know where is my wife headed?" he asks. "Not really your business" I respond.

"You are my business so I think yes" he whispers in my ear as he wraps his arms around my waist.

"Don't get ahead of yourself, I'm going to buy Christmas tree so if you excuse me I will head out now" I say moving from his arms and walking straight through the door.

"Yeah, whatever, see ya soon wifey" he yells after me which I ignore but buterflies in my stomach seems didn't.

~time skip~

I walk through the house door with bags full of Christmas decorations. "Well took you long enough" Mattheo scoffs.

"Oh shut up" I scoff before he just left. I started decorating. It had to be perfect, it had to be perfect.

~small time skip~

It was done. Well, almost. Only star on the top was not been placed yet. I'm gonna leave it to Mattheo tho. If he wants it.

I think it's time I have a small rest I did enough for today. It's already 8 pm. I walk in the kitchen.

And make myself one hot chocolate. God, this is so warm. I wish Mattheo was here too. But he's still holding the grudge.

And just as I was heading back to my room while everything was dark and lights were shut off I hear some noise in the living room.

I peek through the door. "Albert, stop moving those ladders" Mattheo says trying to place the star at the top of the tree.

"Sory sir" Albert apologies. Mattheo places the star and climbs down proudly.

"It looks perfect sir" Albert says. " Thank you Albert, also if she asks who put it, it wasn't me, is that clear?" Mattheo asks.

"Yes sir" Albert nods smiling. "Are you really going to let her go to sleep while you're in the fight?" Albert asks.

"Of course not, only if she's already asleep. You know I'm just mad she doesn't trust me. I love her. I would do anything for her. So why would she even think that I would go to some random ass excuse of a ... creature" Mattheo sighs.

I feel bad. I should have trusted him. God, me and my fucking trauma and my fucking trust issues.

He didn't deserve me being a bitch. He is so sweet. And I was so rude.

"Okay I think I'm going to go apologize now, good night Albert" Mattheo says. "Good night sir" Albert responds.

I run to my room before Mattheo sees me. I jump under the covers trying to act asleep.

I hear the door crack. "Y/n, darling, are you asleep?" Mattheo whispers. "What do you want?" I ask sitting up.

"I wanted to apologize. I should have blocked her long time ago" he says and sighs.

"I'm sorry room I should have trusted you and not jumped on accusations" I say looking down at my hands.

"Can I stay here with you?" Mattheo asks quietly. "Of course, you don't even have to ask, cuddle me" I say opening my arms.

He walks over resting his head on my chest as I tangle my hands in his curls. "I love you" he whispers.

"I love you too" I say before we both fell asleep.


A/N: Okay wtf? So I struggled with writing fluff for like 4 days but this fight chapter not even an hour? Bruh.

Yeah, 2 chapters in same day. Your welcome hun. Couldn't leave you on cliffhanger right?

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~love, Juliette

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