26| war

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Here to make Th0rnRoseS feel better

Okay I'm back bitches

First off I forgot last time okay who hates me -->

Well, I have something to make it up to you trust me


~two months later~


Blood. Everywhere. All I see is blood and bodies and death eaters. And I don't know what's happening.

I mean Harry is winning this but something. Something about my father has weird.

He's not acting like himself. He's either gone crazy or something happened. I have to find out what.

I never thought I will ever thank God for Daphne but I'll be dammed I'm happy someone is keeping my daughter safe and away from all of this.


"Shhhhhhhhh" I try to sway Diana and make her stop crying. I cradle her trying to calm her down.

Diana has been speaking like a word or two every now and then. "I wa-want ma-my mama" she says sobbing.

I sit down at the sofa. "I know" I say now also crying myself. "I want her back too, but this is best for her, you'll get your mama back" I say crying.

I don't know if that's true. I don't know will she ever get her mom back. I want my best friend back.

And I don't know will I ever get to see her again.


I walk in dragging a hand through my hair. I see student everywhere surrounded by death eaters.

But students are winning. Molly killed Bellatrix. I saw Blaise struggling on other side.

I walk over helping. "Thanks man" he says as death eater is now dead on the kitchen floor.

"Let's go see if Harry needs help" I say but as we head out we see Hermoine and Ron.

"Hey, how is Harry doing?" I ask worried. "Good but something's off, weird like Voldemort seems different" Hermoine says.

"I noticed that too" I say as we all agree on seeing the change. We decide to head out.

"You will never win" my father says. "Oh, really?" Harry says raising his wand up in the air.

"NOOOOOOOOO" Snape screams rushing over as we all look at him confused.


"A spell is thrown on him. He's under the Imperious curse" he says as suddenly it all makes sense.

He didn't want me to kill Y/n, he was forced. My father isn't evil. My father is not a bad guy.

But if that's the case. Who is controlling my father? Who is the villan? And who wanted me to kill Y/n?

"Who's controlling him" I speak up walking closer. "I don't know" Snape responds.

"I know a spell" Hermoine responds as she raises her wand a preforms a tough spell.

And soon enough we knew. We knew and I couldn't belive it. Her own father. How could he?

How could he order me to kill his own child, my wife? "I'M GONNA KILL THAT SON OF A BITCH" I yell taking a sword.

They tried to stop me but I was already gone. I get out the maudrers map out of my pocket.

Aha, you're hiding there you son of a bitch. I rush over. And finally I'm face to face with him.

"You son of a bitch" I say swinging my sword. "Wow, wow there let's be reasonable, would Y/n wanted you to do this" he says his eyes filled wih fear.

"DON'T BRING HER INTO THIS" I scream he flinched and back up. And with one swift of the sword he's dead.

"This is for her" I say spitting next to his dead body and walking away proudly. This is for her.

I arrive back where all of them sigh in relief. "Did you do it?" Ron asks and I nod.

They sigh not saying a word. "Is my father okay?" I ask. "Look at it yourself" Harry says awkwardly.

I raise my head and look straight forward. My jaw drops so low I think it reached the floor.

I-I can't belive this. I can't belive my eyes. I blink. Again and again and again and again.

"Am-am I seeing this right?" I ask as Harry nods awkwardly. Well good to know.

How did I not see this? How did I not noticed my dad is having a secret relationship? WITH SNAPE.

"BLEACH MY EYES" I say looking away from my father and my teacher. MAKING OUT.


I feel a hand drop on my shoulder. "Mattheo, I think- I think I have a brain concussion" Theodore says his eyes wide.

"Me too, dude, me too" I say as my eyes as wide. "OKAY HOW DID I NOT KNOW" Lorenzo screams.

As the couple finally pulls away. "Oh, son, I didn't mean for you to find out like this" my father says.

"Yeah, yeah" I scream raising my hand on my forehead. "I mean it's not my thing but you could've told me" I scream.

"I know, I know I just didn't know how you'll react" he says his eyes filled with pity.

"Okay, I need some time to process all of this" I say. "Me too, bro" Theodore says as I look at him.

~Mattheo's face rn~

"Sorry" he mumbles shrugging his shoulders

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"Sorry" he mumbles shrugging his shoulders.

God, Y/n, please come back.



Sorry for the short chapter tho. I know this sucks just deal with it in this book. People I'm sorry, I lost motivation for this book and am trying to get it till the end but I just don't enjoy and I feel it's more like this book is a joke so it really sucks but I promise I will make up for this in he next book.

Thank you for reading and commenting, please vote ☆->★
~love, Juliette

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