27| life without you

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~5 years later, oopssssss~


Peep. Peep. Peep.

I slap my hand on alarm while getting up. My head hurts like hell. The fuck? I put on slippers heading to kitchen.

I live in Brooklyn apartment in New York. It's pretty expensive and I don't even know how I got here.

It's like most of parts of my life have been erased from my mind. Like there is a hole.

I shrug it off again and eat some cereals. While still in my pajamas I sit down at my work desk.

As a professional writer I don't have to even get out of my bed to work. Although not really professional because I didn't publish not one book yet.

And I have no idea why but I have SO MUCH FUCKING MONEY on my back account.

I don't even remember how I got it. So like I'm living more then decent life. Only one thing missing.

Love. Have I tried to go out and meeting people? No. Do I want to? No. Do I want love? Yes.

I know confusing. But I feel like there was something in that hole missing from my life.

And right now I'm more invested in finding that missing piece then finding missing love.

And maybe I can find both in the same time. Bahaha. Good joke me. I'm chuckling.

Yeah right. Chances for that are like well when I think about it there are acually none.

After finishing another chapter of my book.i head to get ready. I throw on first thing in my closet and jacket.

I take my keys and my phone and then head out. The busy streets of New York are crowded as always.

I take a turn around the corner walking into bakery. "Ralf" I say. "Aaa, Y/n, I'm guessing as usual" he responds.

"You know it" I respond smiling. "How is the investigation going?" he asks. "Well, currently we got a new case so I'm helping with that first" I respond.

"Y/n, you are avoiding it again." He responds. "I'm not, I just don't have time" I respond.

"Whatever floats your titanic" he responds. "Titanic sunk" I respond. "Exactly" he says handing me my coffee and a bagel as I roll my eyes.

"Whatever man, see ya" I respond waving. "See ya" he says as he serves another costumer.

"How can I help you" he says to him and that is last thing I hear before walking out.

I walk down the street before walking in the police station. You could say this is where I work. But like I'm just a help.

"What's up" I say hitting Steave in the arm. "Something definitely and it's not good" he responds.

"What do you mean?" I ask. "Capitan wants to speak with you" he says and I sigh nodding.

"Wish me luck" I say as he says sadly smiling. I make my way over to capital's office.

I knock. "Come in" he responds and I walk in. "You wanted to see me" I say as he lifts his head from the papers.

"Agh, Y/n, have a seat" he says and I do. "We have a problem" he starts. "Yeah" I respond.

"Department can't afford spending time, money and resources for your investigation anymore" he says.

"WHAT" I scream. "I tried to talk them out but there is nothing I can do about it. Investigation about your disappearance is closed" he says as I drop in my seat.

"You know that now I'll leave" I ask. "I know" he responds. "Then all I have to say is goodbye Vice" I say getting up.

"Goodbye Y/n" he responds as I walk out. Steave jumps to my side. "What did he say?" he ask but I just continue walking.

"Y/n? What did he say?" he asks as we walk to the elevator. I turn around to face him.

"I'll miss you Steave" I say hugging him. "Say goodbye to Jenny and the kids for me" I say smiling.

I step back into the elevator as I wave. He looks at me sadly. "Goodbye partner" he says as elevator doors close.

I let my head hit the wall behind me. Great. Just wonderful.


I sigh as I get out in the cold. Great just fucking perfect.

~time skip~

I walked around a bit. I wrote a bit. And now it's 6 pm and I'm walking home. Stores are closing.

And everything looks so peaceful. I look around at store displays when one catches my eye.

I walk forward to it and I can't help but smile. It's a beautiful dress, looks like real life princess dress.

"Wow" I say in the same time as someone next to me. I didn't even notice someone is next to me.

I turn to my side and at first I see no one but as I take a glance down. It's a girl dressed in small pink dress with a bow.

I look around there is no one near and she looks very very young. I don't think everyone would let this small child walk alone.

"Hello" I say as she looks at me. She cocks her head narrowing her eyes as she looks at him. It almost looks like she's thinking did she ever saw me before.

"Hello" she says as she smiles. Oh God, her smile is so wide and so beautiful and cute.

"Where are your parents?" I ask. "I don't know, I lost my dad somewhere" she says sniffling as her smile isn't here anymore.

I notice she's not wearing any sleeves so she must be freezing. I take off my jacket.

"Here you go" I say wrapping it around her. "Thank you" she mumbles. "Do you wanna go find your dad?" I ask.

"Yes but I can't go with you" she responds. "Why not?" I ask. "Stranger danger" she speaks up this time lifting her head up so she looks proud.

"Okay, well how about we walk somewhere where's a lot of people and if you feel uncomfortable you scream and go away from me so you feel safe" I say.

She stops a bit and thinks about it. "Okay" she responds as she extends her hand to me. I take a look at it and take a few seconds to process what she wants.

But soon I catch up and take her hand in mine. "Where did you last see your dad?" I ask. "Somewhere in the park" she responds and I nod as we head to the park.

"What's your name?" she asks. "Y/n, what's yours?" I ask. "Diana" she responds and I furrow my eyebrows.

Why does that sound so familiar? Where did I heard it before? Think Y/n think. It's probably nothing tho, right?

And as we get to the park. "DADA" she screams letting go of my hand and running forward.


A/N: Ehm, okay.

Anyway next chapter hopefully soon.

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~love, Juliette

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