28| we meet again

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I look as she runs to a men talking to police officer hysterically. He's crying and his hands are in his hair.

I look at him better. He's tall, has brown eyes and brown hair. His posture is straight and when I tell you that shirt is very flattering his arm muscles.

Very very hot. Now is not a good time Yn. Not a good time at all.

He is pulling on his hair while sobbing when he hears her scream 'dada' he immediately turns around sighing in relief.

He crutches down as she runs in his arms. He immediately hugs her crying into her shoulder.

"Please, princess, please don't ever do that again. I was so scared something happened." he says sobbing.

"I won't, Dada, I promise" she says also sniffling a bit. He pulls away a bit putting his hands on her cheaks and examining is she hurt.

Once he established that she's okay he hugs her again picking her up. "Please don't ever do that to me again, promise?" he says looking at her and wiping his tear.

"Promise" she says. "How about pinky promise?" he asks as she giggled nodding and they do a pinky promise.

"Who's that jacket from?" he asks as he furrows his eyebrow looking at her. She looks back at me.

She says to put her down and he nods putting her down. She takes his hand dragging him to me.

"This lady helped me and borrowed me her jacket" she says as he looks up at me. He stops. Freezes.


Fuck. She's standing right in front of me. And God, I'm starting. She's even more beautiful then I remember.

Her eyes. Her nose. Her hair. Her lips. Oh God, her lips. Mattheo snap out of it. Stop yourself.

Don't kiss her. Don't kiss her. Don't you dare kiss her Mattheo. Oh, shit now you're crying great.

Don't cry. You are looking so pathetic to her right now. Stop crying. Stop fucking crying. I bursted into tears right in front of her. Just fucking great.

"Hello" she says awkwardly. "Yeah, I'm sorry" I say wiping my tears. Well at least trying to.

"Hello" I say. "Thank you so much for bringing me my daughter safe" I continue.

"Of course" she smiles. "And I'm sorry but I have to ask do I know you from somewhere?" she asks.

Everything inside me breaks and comes back again rushing through my veins. What am I suppose to say, respond, answer?

"No, I don't think so" I respond internally punching myself in the gut. "Oh, just a thought" she says.

"Well then I'm gonna go, I'm glad I helped" she responds. "Yeah, thank you" I say as she turns to walk away.

I notice she sighs hesitating before shaking her head and walking away slowly.

Maybe I should go. I probably should go after her. I can't let her walk away. I just found her.

"Dad, can she be my mom? She's nice and kind and pretty so what do you say" Diana ask looking at me.

I smile widely and look at her. "Yes she can" I say as her eyes light up and she giggles "YAY"

I rush to her and turn her around as her eyes light up and she takes a deep breath.

"Hi, sorry I just- I thought you were really beautiful and I wanted to ask if you could give me your number" I say nervously.

She stops and thinks about it for a bit. "I don't even know your name" she says. "Mattheo. My name is Mattheo" I respond.

She nods and mumbles it. Oh, fuck. The shivers. "Then what do you say?" I ask worried.

"Ehm-uh sure" she says smiling and I die from happiness inside.

God, my stomach is twisting and doing backflips. And taking a trip to the zoo and it can't stop.

I hand her a pen but I don't have paper so she writes it on my hand. Oh God, she touched my hand.

Goosebumps along my skin as I suck in a short breath. God, Y/n, don't do this to me.

"Then I'll see ya soon" she says biting her lip. "Yeah see ya soon" I respond as she smiles walking away and waving at Diana in my arms.

Diana giggles smiling and waves to her too. I see as she turns a corner so I turn around.

"You see that, I have a date" I say faking a girly scream. "Yassss, Dada, I'm so proud" she says throwing her hands around me and hugging me tightly.

I smile in awe kissing the hair that fell on her forehead. She slightly pulls away from the hug and gives me high five.

"Okay now take me to dinner and we'll talk about her" she says giggling as I fake gasp.

"Are you black mailing me?" I gasp. "Is it working?" she says smiling. "Ugh, you know it. But how could it not when you're so cute" I say boping her nose.

She giggles. "Where are we going?" I ask. "Dominos" we say in the same time smiling.

We head there. "You know dad, I really hope you marry her. I really want her as my mom" she says laying her head on my shoulder as I carry her.

Oh, she already is your mom.

"I really hope so too, what do you like about her?" I ask. "Well she's nice, kind, made me feel comfortable, she's really beautiful and I like how you look at her. It's like your heart is gonna melt and fall in her hands" she says smiling as I look at her.

"Since when did you get so smart with all those words" I ask. "Don't change subject" she warns.

Just like her mother.


I have a date. I have a date. I HAVE A DATE.

I dance and twirl around on my way to my apartment. I can't belive I have a date.

"Mattheo" I mumble. Why does it sound so familiar. Mattheo.



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~love, Juliette

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