25| mission

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ehm, sorry

not really


I'm scared.

I am on my way to my father. Who requested me as soon as possible. I am scared what is he going to say.

My father is very confusing. He was always a nice person. Belive it or not but sometimes it's like it's not him.

Like he has no control. It's like I don't know him anymore. It's so confusing but also terrifying.

And the worst is I have no idea how he will be next time I see him. So I'm terrified.

I want him to be nice. I want him to be good.

I sigh before knocking on his office door. "Come in" I hear deep cold evil voice.

I guess today he's going with his villan side. I take a deep breath before opening the door.

"Mattheo, sit down" he says not moving his eyes from papers on his desk. I sit down.

"I'm going to be straight forward with you" my father says. "Okay" I say nervously.

"Now that you have a heir there is someone that can inherit the power so your wife is not of a use anymore" he says.

"What are you trying to say father?" I ask scared. "I'm commanding you to kill her" he says with a devilish grin.


"Things changed now don't scream at me son and do what I say or I'll kill her in way more painful way" he says completely emotionless.

"Yes sir" I say standing up. "Good now off you go" he says and I rush through the door.


Voldemort tries to fight the spell but he's not successful. This power is stronger then him.

Mattheo rushes out and Henry Esmerays (Y/n's father) walks in. "Well that was a show" he smirks.

With a swift of his wand he makes Imperio curse leave Voldemort's body. "Wasn't that sweet?" he grins.

"What did you do? How could you make my son kill your daughter, his own wife" Voldemort exclaims standing up.

"Well she was always in the way" Henry says. "I need to stop him" Voldemort says rushing to the door.

"Oh no no no, you won't have a chance cause you won't remember anything" Henry says.

"What" Voldemort starts. "Oblivate" Henry says and Voldemort's eyes closeas he forgets everything. Again.


Tears escaping my eyes like waterfalls. I rush to my room. I notice Y/n sleeping on the bed. She's snoring. Cute.

I sob and rush into bathroom so she can't hear me. Fuck, how am I supposed to do this.

I can't do this. Think Mattheo think. What to do to stop this? What to do to save her?

Fuck, fuck, fuck. Think. Oh shit. There is only one way. Only one way I can save her.

I have to do it. I can't do this. I can't bring myself to it. She would never forgive me.

But I have to. Either that or I kill her. And I can't kill her. My heart wouldn't survive that.

I can't do that to our child. I can't let my daughter grow up without both of her parents.

I splash my face with water. And look at myself in mirror. Fuck, I look awful. Pale. Sad.

I wipe my face with towel to get my red eyes look less red. I drag my hand over my face.

I exit the bathroom and sit down on the edge of the bed. Next to her. She's a heavy sleeper.

I'm not worried she'll woke up. She thinks sleep is priceless. She tried to make me have a normal sleeping schedule. It didn't work.

I'm gonna lose her. And I will never see her again. I'm so scared.

All I wanted was her. And now when I finally got her, she's being taken away for me. By me.

I take her hand in mine. She looks so beautiful. And she won't be mine anymore.

After 5 minutes I will never see her again. "So this is it" I whisper as my eyes water.

She was my first love my everything. And I'm losing her.

"You know I wish this could've turned out differently" I whisper as tears leave my eyes.

"Only if everything was different we could be together forever" I say, my voice cracking.

"I knew this was all going too well" I whisper silently crying. I lean her hand against my cheek.

"I'll keep her save. I'll keep Diana safe and I'll never let anything hurt her. I will treat our daughter as a princess untill you come back" I whisper kissing her hand.

"I promise she'll be fine with me. You have nothing to worry about. At all" I say crying.

"And the group will help. We will all raise her for you. And we'll tell her about you. She will know everything just like if she knew you" I say.

"I hope one day she'll get to meet you. It will all be fine" I whisper trying to convince myself.

I wipe my tears sniffling. I lean down kissing her forehead softly.

"Maybe in another life we can be together" I say brushing a strand of hair from her face.

"In another life my love when we meet again" I whisper pulling away.

I pull out my wand. "Oblivate" I say. It's done. She doesn't remember me anymore.


A/N: First sorry not sorry.

Fuck, school. I'm back in school and I'm having 2 weeks of hell so I won't be posting for 2 weeks, sorry.

Yeah ehm so 2 weeks you will be left on this. Oopsie.

Anyway thank you for reading and commenting please vote ☆->★
~love, Juliette

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