Chapter Three

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"Eh?" Everyone shouted with burning passion.


My ears!

"Vermilion?" Everybody shouted in confusion.

I confusedly looked at all of them, still not processing what the commotion is about.

"Yes?" I asked, unsure of what's going on.

That's when it hit me.

Mavis spoke up for me.

"She's my adorable niece, everyone!" she says cheerfully.

I went back to my seat and dragged Levy-chan along since she looks like a sack of potato waiting to be carried.

"Okay everyone! It's your turn! Introduce yourselves!" Mavis cried victoriously.

I mentally face-palmed.

She is never going to change.

I felt myself smile a little and thought.

Even after I left...

The fact that I was your favorite never changed...

Thank you.

Adorable aunt of mine.

-After class-

"Hey! Luigi, right?" a salmon headed idiot called.

I think his name is Natsu... Natsu Dragneel, was it?

I sighed heavily and turned away to make him look stupid.

I went straight to my locker and grabbed my bag then walked away.

Someone grabbed my wrist and I turned to see that it's the pink haired moron.

"What?" I spat with venom and gave him my coldest glare.

He flinched a little and bravely says, "Have we met somewhere before?"

Of course, fool!

Again, I've been studying in this school for almost 3 years now!

I glared at him some more and removed his grasp on my wrist.

I looked at him seriously, "As far as I know, this is the first time we met, jock."

I turned around and ignored him.

"You didn't have to be so mean about it!" he shouted, and I continued walking like he's talking to a wall.

I went straight to the next class.

-Second class-

Teacher: Gildarts Clive
Subject: History

I sat beside Levy-chan once again and looked at the view.


I have a feeling I met that pinkie somewhere before.


His stupidity is rubbing off on me.

That's impossible though, I've been in Chicago for almost all of my life.

"A penny for your thought?" Levy-chan uttered as she snapped me back to reality.

"I was thinking of Chicago." I say blandly.

"Lu-chan..." she sighed heavily.

She knows what really happened to my life and why I had to leave Chicago.

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