Chapter Forty Seven

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Natsu POV

I watched Gray and Gajeel walked Lucy to our table where Levy and Erza were waiting with brilliant smiles.

She hugged Levy and Erza, probably for lending their partners for the night, and thanked them.

The graduation ball doesn't allow outsiders.

I felt a pang of jealousy, to have allowed her to be walked to our table by Gray and Gajeel.

What right do I have to chase her?

I kept on convincing myself, that I don't deserve someone like her.

That's why I kept my distance from her.

Every time I do that, though, my heart keeps feeling unsettled.

How can I deserve, someone like that?

(A/N: Picture is posted on the multimedia page.)

She looks...


Almost like a princess, if you ask me.

I slowly walked back to our table, with the punches for the girls requested earlier, in both hands.

I sat silently at the table as Levy and Erza thanked me for their drinks.

As I sulk in my seat, Gray stood up and asked for Lucy's hand for a dance which she gratefully accepts.

I really miss her...

I just silently watched her as she danced with Gray and giggle from time to time.

Lucy, stop messing with my head!

Before I knew it, I'm already standing in front of her and Gray.

How the fuck did I get here?

That was me! My inner Natsu rejoiced.

Brain, what the hell is wrong with you?

Heart and I were watching you look like a loser and we couldn't take it, so we sneaked out while you were lost in your own thought.

What the hell? Is this even possible?

I watched a finger tap Gray's shoulder.


Oh, but it is.

Face your fears, coward!

Gray turned to me with his eyebrows furrowed.

What do we do now? My heart questioned.

Come on, Brain! You're smart, right? Think of something to say.

No response.

God damn it! You brought me here without any back up plan?!

"Natsu, what's u-" Gray was about to question.

"Gray, your white hair's sticking out." I said with a straight face and he just looked at me with a what-the-hell face.

Inside my mind...


Sorry, I panicked. My brain apologized

Couldn't you come up with something better?!

I'm trying.

Let me help. My heart says out of nowhere.

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