Chapter Ten

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-The next day-

-Time skip: third class-

Freed-sensei discussed the chemical reaction.

I'm so bored.

It's not like I hate this subject or anything.

It's just that I'm not in the mood for learning today.

Natsu didn't make any attempts at all to make me smile today.

I'm beginning to worry.

I doodled on my notebook.

I doodled a key and lock with fire and ice covering the lock.

Levy-chan leaned over to look and saw me sketch.

"I like it." she mouthed.

"Thanks." I mouthed back.

Freed-sensei stopped writing on the board and left an empty basket by his desk.

Everyone is going on their own business and didn't see what freed-sensei did.

I, on the other hand, watched what he was doing like a hawk.

For the three days that he became my sensei I noticed that he's too silent.

He doesn't really care much if he's students are loud and causing trouble.

What he cares about is if we're doing our assigned task, activities and assignments.

Most of the time, when the class is done with the day -he just lets the class go wild.

I suddenly took interest in learning when he drew some God-knows-what symbols on the board.

I wasn't following what he wrote on the board, then I grabbed my book and fast read all symbols that's related on the board.

I looked at Levy-chan and Erza doing the same and in a heartbeat we all looked at each other with confusion written all over our faces.

I looked at our other classmates who were busy being obnoxious and loud.

It's like an encrypted message.

He didn't teach us this portion, yet.

He suddenly stepped out of the room quietly.

Everyone went out of their seats and gathered in one corner to gossip.

Erza stood up and walked towards my direction and sat in front of Levy-chan and I.

"Do you understand the symbol on the board? It's been bothering me!" she exclaimed.

"I can't seem to find the connection that's written on the book and symbols that he wrote on the board. It's not making any sense!" Levy-chan cried in frustration.

I looked at the board and book at the same time trying to find some matches.

I took a pencil and wrote on my notepad.

I took some words from the board and played with the idea of reversing the meaning on the book.


Our teacher is a genius!

I took some important letters and numbers and exchanged some numbers to letters per say 1= the letter 'I' or 3= 'E' and so forth.

Levy-chan and Erza looked over my shoulders and stared at me in confusion.

I showed them what I did and what trick I pulled and asked them to try it on their own.

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