Chapter Twenty Six

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As we walked back to the park, I noticed Natsu kept on glancing at his phone now and then.

Romeo is sleeping at his back and Natsu seems really irritated about something.

"Natsu? Is something bothering you?" I asked and he looked up to shake his head slowly.

I sighed and went up to him then stood in front of him while crossing my arms.

"Natsu, you know you can't lie to me." I said sternly and he looked away.

"I know." He paused to blow off an annoyed sigh.

"My aunt texted me and asked me to watch over my little cousin." Natsu explained.

"So, what seems to be the problem?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

'Well, the problem was I wanted to drive you home and chat a little bit more!' he whined infuriatingly.

"Natsu, Romeo and I can take a bus to go home. You can go." I said insouciantly.

He groaned and I looked at him questioningly.

"You don't get it!" he grumbled.

"Lucy-nee, what Natsu-nii wants to say was that he wanted to spend more time with you." Romeo commented out of nowhere, making Natsu blush ferociously.

"Romeo, you're awake"' I gleefully exclaimed.

"Lucy-nee what do you say we go with Natsu-nii on babysitting?" Romeo asked.

I looked at my watched and saw that it's 7:43pm.

"Well, let's ask Natsu if he agrees with the idea." I casually stated.

"What kind of a dumb question was that?" he grunted.

"Okay, Romeo. Seems like we're going straight home today!" I cheerfully chirped.

"You idiot! I wanted you to stay with me!" Natsu blurted straight out, causing him to blush real hard.

"Natsu-nii, she understands a lot better if you say things straight out." Romeo giggled.

"Natsu, all you've got to do was ask." I smiled sweetly, making him look away with his red-tinted cheeks.

I texted mom that we will be hanging out at Natsu's aunt for a moment.

She was fine with it and even asked me to stay if I wanted to.

As soon as we've reached the park, we dashed towards his car and he silently drove towards his aunt's house.

We stopped by a mansion that shows elegance, at its finest. It's more modern but what I liked about the house was it looks completely breathable. The house allows more access to the wind and nature.

Natsu stopped the engine and we walked towards the door then he rang the bell.

A woman around my mom's age appeared before us.

She looks so classy and graceful.

Romeo and I smiled at her and she smiled back.

"Hello children. My name's Grandine. Natsu's aunt and Igneel's sister."

"Hello Ms. Grandine! My name's Lucy and this here is Romeo! Nice to meet you!" I greeted cheerfully while Romeo bowed in respect then she smiled sweetly at us.

"Natsu, forgive me for ruining your date with the lovely young lady, but could you please spare time as to babysit my baby girl?" she asked, almost pleading as soon as she turned to Natsu.

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