Chapter 2 - Strange Creatures Unfamiliar

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"Ugh... screw it if I'm late, just five more minutes..." You mutter quietly, your eyes remaining shut as you grumble in annoyance.

You don't wanna wake up... you were having the strangest dream your new mirror just dragged you into it after an awesome (although chaotic) picnic with your friends.




You huff a bit and try to roll over, "Oh... to Arceus' name, it won't be that bad if I'm only a few minutes late, Moonstone- huh, what the..?"

You pause at the fact that you can't really turn yourself over, since you're trapped in some kinda... tight and thin rectangular-esc box?

Oh Arceus- that wasn't a dream-

Your eyes fly open to an area that's just as dark as what you saw when your eyes were closed. You frantically feel around, your eyes widening in panic.

What's going on? What's happening?

The feeling of how tight the room is seems to increase as more panic fills your senses.

Oh dear Arceus, I beg of you to please help me...

"I better hurry up and find that uniform before someone spots me." A slightly high-pitched voice is heard from outside wherever you're trapped in.

There's a few more scratches, and then a quiet groan.

"Uggh... This lid weighs a ton," The voice says again, "Try this on for size! Mya-ha!"

Then whatever your in shakes suddenly from an unexplained force-

Did someone just send a Pokémon to attack this thing?

-And the lid of the coffin flies off, filling your senses with sudden light. You blink blearily as sudden heat hits your feet. You look down and see-

Fuck, blue fire.



You panic as you stamp out the flames, "Fire! FIRE!"

"Now to grab the goods... What? You aren't supposed to be awake!"

You look down and see... a little dark grey fluffy Meowth looking creature, with ice-blue eyes and blue fire filling it's ears. It has a white chest and it's tail ends in a pitch-fork like shape.

What a strange looking Pokémon? Maybe a regional variant of Meowth?

You glance around for it's trainer and don't see it. But you do see coffins floating around the edge of the room, and a large strange mirror (similar to your own mirror before it dragged you here) floating in the dead center of the room. How strange...

"" You say as you crouch down, a gentle smile on your face, "Where's your trainer, little fella?"

"HOW DARE YOU!" The creature says with a stomp of it's foot, it's face morphing into an angry snarl, "The great Grim needs no... NO "TRAINER"!"

You flinch back and stand back up, your eyes widening in shock.

Did that Pokémon just... talk? What the..?

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