Chapter 7 - A Fight With Specters

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"We haven't had visitors in ages! Oh, I'm just itchin' for new friends! Ah ha ha ha ha haaaa!"

Three ghosts (looking different from any Ghost-type Pokémon you've seen in your life) materialize around you all. Koraidon and Miraidon hug eachother in a panic, Grim clambers onto you with a yelp, and Terapagos is unfazed. As are you.

You've dealt with many Ghost Pokémon in your life, and these ones seem very playful and well-intentioned. One was stubby, one lanky, and one was smaller than the rest. They all are white with faint blue glows and amused expressions.

"AAAAAH! GHOSTS! GHOSTS!" Grim hugs your leg as you smile politely. Treat these people like how you treat fans and admirers. With kindness and politeness.

"Oh, hello! Please forgive us for intruding. Headmage Crowley was kind enough to allow me to live here until he could send my companions and I home. Grim here is simply staying until the rain passes by."

You clear your throat, "My name is Y/N L/N. I do hope we all can safely get along."

"Ah!" The stubby one says, looking amused, "Aren't you a brave one?"

"All the people who used ta live here got scared of us and ran away," The small one flies up to you, examining your innocently smiling face closely, "You're new..."

"She is!" The lanky one says, flying around the terrified Koraidon and Miraidon, "And so are her strange friends!"

You wince internally when you feel the shaking Grim dig his claws into your leg.

"Myaaaah! Human! Do something!"

You give Grim a confused look, "...why? They seem nice. You're just being a scaredy cat. Not like I can really do anything anyways."

"Ha!" The small ghost bursts out laughing, "I like this one! Much braver than the fuzzball clinging to her like a burr."

Grim huffs and puts on a brave face and stomps forward, "Fine! I'm a master sorcerer! I ain't afraid of no ghosts! Myaaaaaa!"

Grim shoots a few fireballs at the ghosts, missing them completely.

"...Grim, stop. You're gonna burn the walls."

You groan a bit as you move Terapagos to rest in a natural pocket in the robe and scoop up Grim, who angrily yowls in a retort.

"Haha! Completely missed us!" The lanky ghost snickers.

"Terrible aim, fuzzball." The stubby one says, grinning smugly.

"Human!" Grim hisses at you, "Let me after them! LEMME AFTER THEM!"

You sigh and think for a moment. You're fairly certain Crowley is fine with the ghosts 'living' here, so...

"...Pardon me, ghosts, but would you be fine if we were to allow Grim to shoot fire at you?"

The lanky one tilts it's head. ", guess could it be entertaining to laugh at fuzzball's terrible aim."

You nod in satisfaction and turn your attention to the seething Grim, "If you beat them- but don't light the dorm on fire- maybe Headmage will consider enrolling you?"

It'd be a good way to distract Grim and keep him from pissing off one of your Pokémon and causing a damaging fight you'd struggle to stop. Knowing Bangbang, she'd just attack Grim because she was bored and wants to try to smash Grim.

Grim's eyes light up. "Deal, human!"

You set the cat down and he darts into the middle of the hallway. "I'm Grim, master sorcerer! Come at me, ghosts!"

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