Chapter 6 - A Cat Returned

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...this is way worse. Way worse.

You stare blankly at the dorm around you. When Crowley said, 'character', you think he meant dead. A dead character.

You stare blankly at the building in front of the gate you and Crowley stand in front of, the gate about as tall as your belly button(?). The windows are boarded up, roof tiles broken or missing and showing small holes in the roof, beat up lawn, broken or rotting planks of wood in the walls, and a spiked fence missing several posts surrounding it.

Well, at least the lawn is pretty big, meaning plenty of room for Pokémon training. Just spread a bunch of grass seeds and get Grace to use Rain Dance, and the lawn should be growing in a matter of a few days.

Walls and roof? More of an issue... but if you pick up a part time job you may be able to afford enough to buy needed materials to fix this place, and your Pokémon would love to help you rebuild...

You look over at Crowley, who has a small- yet nervous- smile on his face.

"As a question Headmage..." You tilt your head, "Do you perhaps offer jobs? I'd like to be able to afford repairs on this place, if you'd please."

Crowley seems fairly surprised that was the first thing you asked of him when you saw this 'Ramshackle' place (at least, that's what he said the name of the dorm was), which makes sense. You are 16, and yet you're quite responsible. Considering you spend so much time sleeping outside and exploring Paldea, it's fair to say you quickly became responsible.

"Oh! Right- dear- I will see what I can do. Now, scoot inside now. There you go."

He ushers you towards the door, and you open the gate and step along the path and onto the porch.

You yelp as your foot falls through a rotten plank on the porch. Crowley quickly reacts and grabs you from under your armpits and pulls you out, gently setting you next to the hole.

"There you go, watch your step now." You nod slowly with widen eyes, and a flash of red and white comes from your bag as Moonstone comes out, standing daintily on the porch as she examines you for injuries.

"Moonstone, I'm fine..." You chuckle out at your Umbreon, who makes an annoyed, "Bree," in response.

Crowley opens the door and gently pushes you in, and the vague sense of hope the inside of the dorm was nicer immediately disappears.

Dust and cobwebs everywhere, and furniture covered in worn tarps...

Well, at least the furniture isn't completely destroyed. Probably in miserable condition, but you can survive until you can afford to repair necessities.

That construction and repairs elective you decided to take at Pomelo Academy is definitely coming in use now. Lovely that you know basic plumbing, electrical, and other construction work. Amazing how much Pomelo Academy has to offer...

You look around and up at the ceiling, noticing a slight crack above where Crowley is standing... and the crack is widening..?

"Now, this should keep the elements out for the time being-"

You pull Crowley out of the way as a bit of the ceiling comes down and slams into where he was just standing.

"...sir, I believe you and I have very different definitions of "keeping the elements out"..."

Crowley nods slightly as he pulls away from you and quickly regains compsure, "Uh- yes- right. Now, I shall return to my research. Do try to find something to busy yourself, perhaps exploring to find anything to start on repairs... But don't let me catch you wandering campus! Ta!"

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