Chapter 11 - No Avoiding the Consequences

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A/N: Hiya! Sorry to break away from the story. Just wanna say one of my favorite thing on Wattpad is seeing the unhinged comments. So I have a request! Please gimme some of your most unhinged comments so I can giggle at em! Next week, I'll upload some screenshots of my favorites to let ya all look at and giggle alongside me with! Let the unhinged commenting begin!

Also, please note the change to a mature book. I wanna try to make this book more adult oriented and experiment with my writing. Which may include some poorly wirtten s3x scenes. I'll put explicit warnings in any chapters which may have one wirh the "🍋", emoji, as googling has taught me what lemons mean in fanfic (save my soul). Apologies if anything seems stilted or such, I've never tried writing s3x scenes before as originally feeling uncomfortable, but I want to try some new stuff and see the reception of it. Please don't judge me and my silly asexual self... ;-;

Also note (as an aroace) I've never tried the adult funtimes, so if anything is inaccurate, please tell me immediately. I don't wanna mess anything up anatomy-wise or similar to that! +n+

Also, I'm getting rid of the talking paintings. They showed up in the prolouge and then never again. What was the point outside of letting Yuu and Grim know where Ace was? Just gonna make someone else do it, lol.


"Ace! Get over here! Try and hide from me, will ya!?" Grim yells out from where he perches on your shoulders, angrily looking around.

"...I don't think we'll find him in the hallways..." You say with a raised eyebrow. Chompers trails behind you, glancing around as you three walk, Grim riding on your shoulders as his small legs struggle to keep up with you.

"Huh? Who are you looking for?" A new voice asks, which causes everyone to jump.

You look over at a new boy who steps out of an empty classroom, giving you a slightly confused look. He looks a year older than you, with neck-length tar black hair that fluffs up a bit at the roots. He his almond-shaped brown eyes that blink calmly at you. He's also wearing a black suit (like all the boys here) with a blue-purple robe with golden details over it. What gets your attention though, is the two large wings sticking out of his back. Covered in large black feathers, they resemble a Corviknights or Corvisquires wings, just slightly different and completely black.

"A guy named Ace Trappola. He has messy orange hair and a red heart drawn on his face over his left eye." You explain politely.

The boy thinks for a moment, pressing a hand to his chin. "Hm... I don't know anyone like that, but maybe the dorms would be your best bet? The dorm to them is in the eastern building."

You smile at him, and he smiles back. "Oh! Thank you."

He nods, his smile remaining as he politely bows at you and extends a hand for a handshake. "Of course! Always happy to help a pretty girl, heh... my name is Corbin Schwarz. It's nice to meet you..?"

"Y/N. My name is Y/N L/N. And it's nice to meet you as well." You politely shake his head, wincing a bit as Grim pulls at your hair.

"C'mon Y/N! Let's chase after him!"

Corbin chuckles a bit as he stands back up. "Well, I won't hold you back anymore. Stay safe Y/N! You and your strange companions!"

You nod at him as you run off, Chompers following after you.

Corbin chuckles when you're gone. "Hm. I quite liked her, she does seem quite nice."


You burst into the Mirror Chamber, just in time for you and Grim to see Ace walking to one of the mirrors with an annoyed expression. "Yeah right, like I'm gonna wash a hundred windows. I'm just gonna go back and-"

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