Chapter 8 - A Job Gifted Generously

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You wheeze a bit in amazement at how much harder it was to fight against Crowley than the other ghosts- who are laughing hysterically at the scene- and Grim has flopped onto the floor.

You Pokémon watch blankly, and Poni hops up and hugs your leg to comfort you in her sweet and precious way.

"Well?" Grim asks, giving the Headmage an annoyed look as the fur on his neck bristles, still on the floor.

"Incredible..." Crowley says, having returned to normal already, "I must confess, I've never seen anyone bend a monster to their will in the way you keep managing to do Y/N. I was aware you were good at this with your "Pokey Mans"," He gestures to your Pokémon, who are just chilling around the place having watched the whole ordeal, "And yet I remain impressed. Oh yes, you certainly have an animal trainer-y, beast master-ish quality to you. Perhaps that is a requirement to be a "Pokey Man" trainer?"

You shrug a bit, with a polite smile on your face, "I suppose... so- uh- do you mind if I keep Grim here with me?"

Everyone simultaneously gave you wide-eyed looks, like you just said you were gonna steal Crowley's job from him while he slept. Which you're not, as you are no educator. Not even close...

"What? A monster, stay here?" Crowley presses a hand to his chest to show just how shocked he is.

"...You're letting me keep my Pokémon..." You respond with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, they can stay in those tiny little capsules!"

You clasp your hand together, giving Crowley your best pleading look, "Please sir..?"

Crowley thinks for a moment, "Hmmmm... I suppose I cannot deny your plea."

Grim immediately hops to his feet, looking absolutely thrilled as his ear-fire sparks. "Myah!? Really?"

Crowley looks serious with a stern tone, "Let me be clear! Under no circumstances would I admit anyone to Night Raven College who has not been selected by the Dark Mirror- especially not a monster!"

Grim immediately groans at this, his ears pinning down as he looks annoyed.

"And Y/N." Crowley nods slightly at you, "I have managed to procure you a job. Though this will have to pay for whatever supplies you garner, as I am not allowing you to freeload until you can go home. Though, considering the Dark Mirror has brought you here, the school does bear some responsibility for your well-being. So I shall allow you to stay in this dorm free of charge."

He clears his throat slightly and continues, "However, you will need to pay for your own food, clothing, and incidentals."

You pause at this, raising an eyebrow. Guess you shouldn't have hoped he let you stay for free...

"Er... what is the job?" You ask nervously, "And follow up question, can they work?"

You gesture at your Pokémon, who all slowly give you blank looks. Except Bangbang. Bangbang knows what you have in mind for the chaotic Tinkaton... and they adore it.

Also, Terapagos isn't phased. Terapagos doesn't react to much other than happily squeaking and walking up to nuzzle you affectionately.

Or to bite Arven. They seem to oddly like that...

"You needn't be so alarmed," Crowley says, hearing the worry in your tone despite your calm expression, "I'm simply going to ask you and your little "Pokey Man" companions to do odd jobs around campus. From what you've done here, Y/N, I can tell you know your way around a broom. So, what do you say to you, Grim, and the little green one working together as a janitorial team- yes, I do mean you," Crowley says when Ogerpon points at herself, tilting her head as her little orange face looks confused, "If you do that, I will make a special exception to allow you to remain on campus, Grim."

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