Chapter 24 - Telling Your Tale

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"Nope, go Magikarp!"

"It's go fish, Y/N." Deuce responds with an amused smile.

"My cards, I'm allowed to say go Mahikarp." You argue back, your brow furrowing a bit.

", fair enough." The blue-haired boy shrugs, and Grim grumbles and draws another card.

"Myah? Dang it! Why am I so bad at this?" The cat-monster huffs. Ogerpon tries to peek over to see what's annoying Grim so much, but the cat-monster's ears pin down and he pulls his cards away. "Ay! No peekin'!"

"Poni, remember you aren't allowed to look at other people's cards." You remind the Pokémon. She squeaks and nods, looking back at her own cards.

"Okay, my turn now..." You look over at Ace. "You got a queen?"

Ace groans and hands you the card. "How are you so good at this?"

"It's my favorite game." You say with a smile as you match your two cards and set them down. "Okay, that's a wrap everyone! I have... thirteen pairs!"

No one else's counts even come close to yours. Grim huffs and crosses his arms. "Myah, no fair..."

You smile at the annoyed cat-monster. "Hey, great progress for someone who's never played Go Magikarp before and only previously knew how to play Old Maid."

That makes Grim sit up a bit more, before huffing and stands up on the table as Ace snickers. "Come on, furball. Don't take it like sore loser."

"Ace, be nice." You tell the boy as you stand up, stretching your arms above your head. "Mmrgh... I'm gonna go get a breath of fresh air real quick, don't wait up with getting ready for bed."

You don't give anyone a chance to respond before walking out of the foyer and onto the porch outside. Ogerpon stands up to follow you, but Moonstone raises a paw and stops her before scampering after you.

Everyone else sits their in awkward silence for a moment before Ace says a jab at Deuce and the boy immediately responds in turn. Grim watches them in annoyance for a moment before going out after you.

"Myah!" Grim huffs out as he closes the front door behind him. "Human, why'd you just leave- oh..."

The cat-monster's ears flick down as he sees you sitting on the porch, knees pulled to your chest as you hug Moonstone and quietly sob.

"...human?" Grim asks, creeping towards you to sit next to you.

"I-" You sniffle. "I'm sorry you have to see me like this. I- I just can't-"

You sob again, cutting yourself off. Grim feels genuine concern for you, having not seen you break down like this since the Mine. "...human, are you okay?"

"No..." You admit, trying to stifle a sob. "Do you think anyone hears this? I can't let anyone else see me like this, for the failure I am-"

"BREE!" Moonstone angrily calls out, cutting you off. You immediately understand the meaning behind it. 'You are not a failure.'

"I- why am I so weak?" You ask, wiping hot tears streaming down your face with a hand. "Maybe if I was stronger, I wouldn't be here. I don't want to be here, I don't want to be here, I want to go home!"

You hiccup a bit as Grim's ears droop down. "I- I miss my friends. I miss my mom. I miss going to Pomelo Academy- I miss the Pokémon I released! You hear me Arceus, I've already learned my lesson awhile ago! I regret my choices! Let me go home!"

There's no response from the dark night before you. You sob again and bury your face into Moonstone's side. The Umbreon calmly sighs and nuzzles into your neck to comfort you.

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