Chapter 29 - Alice's Happy Ending

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"And as for you your majesty, 'your majesty' indeed!"

Your fly open, and you realize you're back in the dream as you're holding Terapagos again. You look around to see you're in some sort of court room. You find yourself seated in the jury box next to the other members, wo don't seem to see you. The one shouting was none other then the blonde haired girl in the blue dress standing on a podium, sending a glare to the Queen who resides in the judges seat.

"Why, you're not a queen." The girl continues. "You're just a fat, pompous, bad tempered, old ty-tyrant!"

 Whoa, she's really giving it to the Queen. You're so proud.

But the Queen didn't seem to be paying attention to the girl. In fact, she was just looking at herself in the mirror. "Mmhmmhmmhmmhmm... what were you saying my dear?"

A purple striped cat materialized on top of the Queen's crown wearing a large grin. "Well, she simply said you're a fat, pompous, bad tempered, old tyrant!"

Oh shit. The Queen looks enraged as you cautiously hop out of the jury box and edge away towards what seems to be the exit.

The cat then laughs like he said the most funniest thing in the world and disappeared, winking in your direction as he goes. The Queen turned beet red (reminding you of... Riddle... oh... oh-), her shoulders shaking with unbridled fury. She points at the girl. "Ooooff with her head!"

The card soldiers surrounded the girl, all wielding sharp spears in the shapes of hearts or spades. The little man besides the Queen in a smaller chair stood up excitedly. You think he might be the king.

"You heard what Her Majesty said, off with her head!" All the card soldiers drew their weapons in sync and started approaching the girl's podium. The poor girl looked around fearfully trying to find a way out.

You can't let that happen to her. You run up to the girl, grabbing her hand. "Come on! We can't waste any more time!"

She opens her mouth to speak, as everyone looks shocked at your appearance as you drag the girl, running towards the exit and shoving past the card soldiers. One tries to stab you, but Tera's sheild easily blocks the blow as you keep going.

You three burst out of the courtroom as you keep moving, slipping away through the large rose maze until you three burst out, dashing until you three hide behind a tree, the girl gasping for breath as you pant a bit.

"Hey- uh- are you okay?" You ask after a moment, peering out to make sure no one followed you and are satisfied when you realize you two are in the clear.

"I- yes! Thank you!" She smiles at you. "Saving me was very kind of you."

"No issue." You say with a smile, and Tera squeaks in agreement. "What's your name? I'm Y/N."

"My name is Alice Liddell." She says with a curtsy, blinking at you harmlessly.

"Hm? Oh, no need to curtsy." You shake your head a bit. "I don't need formality and stuff. Where's your house? We should get you back home as soon as possible."

"Oh... that's the issue." Alice places a hand at her chin. "I followed that white rabbit down the rabbit hole. And well..."

"Oh, I... see..." You frown a bit. "Hey, how about we get you back to where you fell down? Maybe I can help you climb back up."

"Oh!" Alice smiles brightly. "That would be lovely, thank you Y/N!"

She takes your hand again and you two walk side-by-side, chatting about Alice's life as you explain what Tera is. Alice is... very curious, though a very sweet girl. She's sixteen, like you, and was reading a boring book with her sister and pet cat Dinah. Then, she saw a rabbit wearing human close yelling about how it was late, and she snuck off and fell down a rabbit hole.

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