Chapter 5

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Please, ignore mistakes-

Third person p.o.v-

A man lay sprawled on the floor, utterly helpless, his body wracked with pain from relentless beatings and torture.

 An agonizing scream pierced the dimly lit room as boiling water cascaded over his half-naked body, amplifying his torment.

"YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF FILTH! STOP SCREAMING LIKE A DYING RAT AND TALK.. WHOM  YOU HELPED ?" The tormentor's voice cut through the air like a whip, filled with disdain.

"You're being too lenient on him, Taehyung. He's not going to spill easily." A guy named Jimin stepped up, gripping the man's hair so fiercely it seemed like it might rip from his scalp. "you piece of shit. Did you honestly believe you could deliver Jeon JK's mission secrets to his rival, AND GET AWAY WITH IT? HUH."

''AAAHHH...'' a painful whimper left from that man's mouth.

Well the thing is that The man writhing in agony on the floor was no ordinary traitor; he was incharge of one of JK's secret bass.  But his greed had led him to betray JK, selling secrets to their rivals. As a consequence, JK's secret base had been attacked, resulting in a staggering loss of 10 million dollars.

 While the monetary loss meant little to JK, who was  the wealthiest figure in the underworld, it was the betrayal that stung the most. Betrayal was JK's ultimate taboo, and this man had made the grave mistake of crossing it. As he so many rivals, so Taehuyng and Jimin were trying to get the name who attacked on their bass, from that man.

Yo.. you will ne.. never get to know. DO WHATEVER YOU WANT'' That man shouted, and that's it. It was the biggest mistake of his life. Because he just woke up a devil in the room.

Taehyung and Jimin exchanged smirks as they glanced at the dimly lit corner of the room where a lone figure sat on a chair, his legs spread arrogantly like the king he was.His hands were on his thighs. His bloodshot eyes narrowed in response when the man shouted. 

As he rose from his seat, a palpable sense of dread washed over the room, suffocating the air with tension. The guards lowered their heads, instinctively, as they were in the presence of someone who was a demon in the form of a human. Anger etched lines on his visage, As his gaze locked onto the betrayer, dark orbs gleaming with fury, a shiver ran down the spine of every onlooker

With each step forward, his features emerged from the shadows, illuminated by the faint light. Strong muscles rippled beneath the fabric of his impeccably tailored black suit. Which was clinging to his well-built muscular frame. Long strands of hair fell across his forehead, framing his face like a dark halo.

That was none other than Jeon JK.

JK signaled to his guards to make the man stand up, they moved quickly to obey. As soon the man stood up he started trembling in fear seeing the devil himself coming towards him. 

Without a word, JK grabbed the man by the neck and started hitting him relentlessly. Each punch seemed to carry the weight of more than a hammer, causing the man to cry out in pain.

it wasn't late when the man started to cough blood.His face was unrecognizable due to continuous beating. When he was on the brink of passing out, JK stopped, leaving him crumpled on the floor. Breathing heavily with anger, JK grabbed a wine bottle and drank it down in one go. Then, without hesitation, he smashed the half-empty bottle over the man's head, causing him to scream out as the glass shards dug into his skin and his face covered with crimson colour.

''Yo.. you wi..will regret this Jeo..Jeon. you ki..killed my father..then can you think I will not ta..take revenge on you''. the man said with great difficulty as he was on the edge of passing out.


''Huh... shelter.... yo.. you will get..get to know my pain when you wi..will lose someone de..dear to you'' Suddenly they heard a dark chuckle from JK. He turned and started laughing like a psycho. Everyone in the room trembled hearing his dark maniac laugh including his hyungs too.

He stopped laughing, and crouched down at the man's eye level. He took out a knife. without any warning, he stabs the knife into the man's neck. Blood gushed from the wound, staining the air with the metallic scent of violence, as crimson droplets splattered across JK's face.

''Nothing'' he stated in his deep dark voice causing everyone to shake in fear while the man's eyes widened feeling his soul leaving his body as he faced difficulty in breathing and immense pain 

''Nothing in this world can give me pain''

''Cause I'm dead inside''


It's often said that every event in this vast world unfolds with purpose. Whether it's attributed to fate weaving its intricate tapestry or merely the whims of chance, there seems to be a hidden order guiding the course of human lives. Each individual's journey is imbued with a unique blend of destiny and happenstance, shaping the narrative of their existence in ways both profound and mysterious.

Maybe that's what happened with you too. Perhaps the Fates enjoy a bit of mischief now and then. After a long nap of six hours, you found yourself seated on the hospital bed, lost in contemplation. In the span of a mere blink, your entire world shifted, your very identity transformed before your eyes.

When you opened your eyes you asked the elderly couple about Han Jin Ae again and they looked confusingly at the doctor. The doctor sighed and signaled them to come with him.

You rose from your bed after they exited the room and made your way to the mirror, a nagging sense of déjà vu tugging at the edges of your consciousness.

"Where have I encountered her before?" you murmured, fingertips grazing your reflection as if seeking answers in the contours of your face. Then it hit you like a bolt of lightning, igniting a spark of recognition deep within your mind-

"She's the same girl from that shitty dream you had five months back''


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