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Third person p.o.v-

You walked out of the room into the corridor. The room you were in wasn't that far from the stairs. As you made your way towards the stairs, your eyes fell on the person you harbored so much hate for at the moment. Seeing him, your steps halted. He was standing near the sofa, going through a file, while Taehyung and Jimin were engrossed in their bickering. Just the sight of him ignited a fierce anger within you.

After yesterday's ordeal, fear of him lingered in your mind. You were even scared to be in his presence. However, just because you were scared didn't mean you would let him get away after everything he did to you. You refused to let that fear control you. The trembling fear inside was now replaced by a fiery determination, and you braced yourself to confront him. Swiftly, you approached his direction.

"Mam, please stop!" the maid's voice echoed through the hallway, catching Jungkook's attention. As he turned toward the stairs, you seized the moment, pushing him with all your might, causing him to stumble slightly.

Jimin and Taehyung who were caught up in their squabble, widened their eyes in shock at the unexpected turn of events. Even the maids and guards were taken aback by your actions.

''WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU HUH...''you shouted at him, your voice laced with anger. His dark gaze bore into you, causing a tremor of fear to ripple through your inner self, but you refused to show it, knowing you had to confront him today.

"Miss Han, please calm down. We can talk about it, please,'' Taehyung urged, attempting to diffuse the escalating tension.

"Calm down?... You're telling me to calm down?" you asked Taehyung in disbelief. "Your boss almost KILLED ME YESTERDAY, AND YOU'RE TELLING ME TO CALM DOWN?" You exclaimed incredulously. Taehyung's gaze dropped at your words, realizing the gravity of the situation. Then, you turned your fury towards Jungkook, who met your glare with his own intense stare. "And you, just tell me, WHAT'S YOUR FUCKING PROBLEM?" you shouted at him, causing his eyes to narrow in response to the loud curse.

"A few days ago, you hurt me and shoved me just because I accidentally spilled coffee on your suit. But I didn't say anything, thinking that maybe you were going through some difficulties and that's why you behaved like this. But last night, you almost choked me to death over some trivial, nonsensical issue! If I hadn't passed out, you might have killed me. I wouldn't even have seen the sunrise!"

Jungkook's expression hardened, betraying his rising anger. However, you were too incensed by his actions to care.

Sensing the tension, Jimin stepped forward, attempting to defuse the situation. "Hey, listen hottie," he began, but your bloodshot glare silenced him.

"Okay, okay, Miss Han," he relented, raising his hands in surrender. "I understand what happened yesterday was wrong, but it was a misunderstanding. Jungkook didn't mean for any of that to happen. I apologize on his behalf, and I assure you it won't happen again."

"Why are you saying sorry, Mr. Park? It wasn't your fault; it was his," you asserted, jabbing a finger in Jungkook's direction who was glaring at you without saying a single word. "If anyone should be apologizing, it's him. And you, Mr. Jeon," you continued, striding past Jimin and stepping closer to Jungkook. "I'm not letting you get away with this. I'm going to report you to the cops, and trust me, I'll make sure you face the consequences."

Taehyung and Jimin exchanged alarmed glances, fully aware of the implications of your words. If this matter escalated to involve the police, it could spell disaster for Jungkook's reputation as a respected businessman in the eyes of the world. Moreover, the relationship between Han and Jeon would be greatly affected.

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