Chapter 10

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Third person p.o.v-

The next day, you prepared for university, selecting a casual yet polished outfit and applying minimal makeup. "I can't believe I'm going to start college again," you muttered, gathering your essentials before leaving the room. As you strolled down the corridor, Soojin's voice echoed from behind.

"So, you're diving back into college, big sis. But shouldn't you reconsider before diving headfirst into it?" She voiced her concern. or more like a fake concern.

"What do you mean?" you asked, pausing to listen.

"You might not recall the day of your accident, but something traumatic occurred to you at college. It led you to attempt suicide. Don't you think returning there could trigger those painful memories and jeopardize your well-being?" Soojin's hand rested on your shoulder.

You weren't naive; you understood her underlying motive. She clearly didn't want you to attend university. With a knowing smirk, you shrugged off her hand. "Don't worry about me, sis. I'll be fine. You should focus on yourself instead of worrying about me." With those words, you walked away, leaving Soojin fuming with clenched fists.

As you stepped outside the mansion, you spotted David already waiting there. "Are you ready?" he asked, a smile gracing his lips. You nodded in assurance, prompting him to continue. "I've arranged everything for you. The driver will take you to the university. If you need anything else, just let me know, okay?" You nodded in response as he departed.

Your gaze fell upon two gorgeous white cars, each accompanied by a driver. One of the drivers approached you and said, "Miss Jin Ae, please sit in the car."

"But Soojin hasn't arrived yet," you remarked.

"Don't worry, Miss. She will be in the second car," the driver reassured you.

Raising your eyebrows at the extravagance you scoffed ''Rich people are really something,". You shook your head then settled into the car as the driver drove off to the university.

As you stepped out of the car upon reaching your destination, the driver turned to you and said, "Miss, I'll be back to pick you up when your classes are over, alright?"

You declined his offer, insisting, "No need, I'll make my own way back." You yearned for some solitude, craving a visit to your apartment, your real home, alone.

 But the driver persisted, expressing his concern, "But miss, your safety is my responsibility. I could lose my job if I don't drop you off on time."Hearing his earnest plea, you sighed in defeat and reluctantly muttered a small, "Okay." The driver smiled gratefully before driving away.

As you stood before the towering university building, a sudden rush of unease flooded your senses, causing your heart to quicken its pace in your chest. You instinctively placed a hand over your pounding heart, bewildered by the sudden surge of fear that gripped you. "What's happening to me? Why am I feeling like this? Is it because Jin Ae has really bad memories in college, just like that little witch told me? But those were her memories, so why am I feeling this unknown fear?" you whispered to yourself, grappling with the unfamiliar sensation.

Before you could dwell further on your unsettling emotions, your sister's voice cut through your thoughts, dripping with disdain. "What's wrong, sis? Don't tell me you're going to back away now, after coming this far. You were so eager to attend college again, weren't you? Well then, good luck with that, But don't come crying to me if things go south—I couldn't care less" she taunted with an ugly smirk, before striding away, leaving you grappling with your conflicting feelings.

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