Chapter 8

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Ignore mistakes, please🙏

Third person p.o.v-

After a quick freshening up, you made your way downstairs, slipping into your casual attire for the day. Settling onto the cozy sofa in the living room, you retrieved the phone that your new parents had kindly gifted you. You denied taking it because you didn't feel right taking a gift from them but you accepted it after they insisted so much. Opening Google you began to search for any news of car accidents from this month in the hope of finding out what might've happened to your body.

You scrolled through countless articles and reports, but there was nothing. Not a single accident was mentioned this month. Confusion mingled with disbelief. How could such a significant event slip through the cracks of media coverage?

''How can it be possible'' you mumbled.

''Jin Ae?... child?.. Jin Ae?...Jin Ae?... JIN AE...'' Suddenly someone shook your shoulder.

Startled, you glanced up to find David standing over you, his hand resting gently on your shoulder. ''What happened, Uncl... I mean, Father?'' You corrected yourself quickly, realizing the slip.

''I've been calling you for five minutes. Where was your attention, child?'' he asked, settling onto the sofa beside you.

"Oh, that..." You bit your lip, unsure of how to respond. "Oh, Y/N, you have to get used to this name. Nobody is going to call you Y/N now," you whined in your mind.

"Okay, forget it. Actually, I'm here to inform you that the son of one of my business partners is coming for an urgent meeting. Since his father is not in Korea, he's handling his work. I want you to attend the meeting with us."

"Why do you want me to attend the meeting with you guys?" you asked, clearly confused.

"Because you were very good at handling business before your accident. Obviously, you don't remember this now. So, I want you to join us. Maybe it could help you with your memory," he said, smiling, though hurt was visible in his eyes, which didn't go unnoticed by you. You nodded in agreement, not wanting to upset him further, as he lovingly patted your head.

The sudden blare of a car horn shattered the tranquility of the moment, prompting David to rise from his seat. "I think they're here," he announced, as he made his way towards the exit, beckoning you to follow. With curiosity quickening your steps, you trailed behind him.

As you emerged from the grandeur of the mansion, your eyes were met with the sight of a formidable array of black cars, lined up in military precision. From each vehicle, a retinue of guards emerged, their presence adding an aura of solemnity to the scene.

"Who needs this many guards?" you pondered, your voice laced with skepticism and a hint of amusement. "Is he a businessman or the head of a mafia syndicate?" The absurdity of the situation wasn't lost on you as you rolled your eyes.

"Even big-shot businessmen have their share of rivals, you know? That's why it's crucial for them to have a bunch of guards around, especially when they're at the top of the game," David explained, sensing your confusion. As you nodded in understanding, he added, "It's like a shield against any potential trouble in the cutthroat world of business."

 The final car's door swung open, revealing a figure cloaked in black, flanked by two companions. With measured steps, David approached the enigmatic man, and you followed him, curiosity piqued.

"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Mr. Jeon," David greeted, extending his hand in a gesture of goodwill, which the man reciprocated with a firm handshake.

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