Chapter 18

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Third person p.o.v-

Breaking the hug, Taehyung spoke hesitantly, "I'm sorry, Miss Han. You were crying so much, and I..."

"It's okay, Mr. Kim," you interrupted softly feeling a bit awkward.

"Miss Han, I know I shouldn't say this, but I'd like to request that you don't involve the police in what happened yesterday. Jungkook didn't mean any harm; it was a misunderstanding," he pleaded.

"That misunderstanding could have cost me my life. You know that very well. How can you even make such a request?" you retorted.

"I understand it must have been shocking for you, Miss Han. But trust me, Jungkook is going through a lot these days. If the matter reaches the police, it will only complicate things further. So please, I implore you not to involve them," he urged politely.

Taehyung wasn't genuinely afraid of you reporting Jungkook to the police. Jungkook held significant power in the underworld as the biggest mafia. The authorities, politicians, even governments were under his influence. But to the rest of the world, he was a respected businessman. Revealing his mafia ties infront of anyone was out of the question. Hence, Taehyung made the request.

"But what if he tries to harm me again?" you asked.

"That won't happen. I'll take full responsibility," he assured.

Taking a deep breath, you relented, "Okay, but if something like this happens again, I won't hold back."

"Sure, even I won't stop you if it comes to that," he replied with a faint smile. As you nodded and prepared to leave, he added, "By the way, your car is parked in the mansion's parking area. But if you prefer, our driver can drop you off at the Han Mansion."

"No need, I can manage," you replied politely, bidding him goodbye before heading to her car.

Upon reaching the Han Mansion, you stepped out of the car and retrieved your scarf from the backseat, wrapping it around your neck to conceal the fingerprints. Entering the mansion, you were greeted by Hana and Soojin in the living room.

"How was your day, Jin Ae? Did you enjoy with your friends?" Hana inquired.

"It was fine, Mom," you replied simply, though your puffy eyes didn't escape Hana's notice.

"But dear, why are your eyes puffy?" Hana questioned.

"I was up all night, that's all," you quickly fabricated an excuse.

"Okay, make sure to get some rest now," Hana advised. You nodded at her statement and were about to leave when your eyes fell on Soojin, who was smirking at you.

 "Weird bitch," Murmuring under your breath, you casted a disdainful glance at Soojin before disappearing into your room.

Stepping into the room, you closed the door softly behind you and made your way to the mirror. With a gentle tug, you removed your scarf and glanced at your neck in the reflection. Suddenly, the image of Jungkook's bloodied shirt flashed vividly in your mind.

"We were always afraid of him. We were even terrified to come in front of him because no one knows when he'll get angry and shoot you in the head'' maids words echoed in your head and it didn't took you long to understand the reason behind her statement.


You, a little 5-year-old, carefully applied ointment to 7-year-old Jungkook's lips, which were bleeding from his father's earlier outburst of frustration.

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