Chapter 11

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Please, ignore mistakes🙏

Third person p.o.v

Warning- mention of sexual abuse. you can skip if you feel uncomfortable.

''Wh..what'' you stuttered at the information.

''Yes someone leaked that video on the university's social media page''.

Your mouth hung agape, stunned into silence by the gravity of the information just revealed. It felt as though the ground had shifted beneath your feet, leaving you struggling to comprehend the enormity of what you'd heard.

At that moment, echoes of that weird dream flashed through your mind, where you had sensed Jin Ae's unwillingness and her vulnerability. You already knew that Jin Ae hadn't submitted willingly to that monster, but had been taken advantage of.

How could someone sink to such depths of inhumanity? How could they be so devoid of empathy, so utterly callous? The questions swirled in your mind, each one a dagger of disbelief. Not only had those monsters taken advantage of her, but they had also shattered her life with unforgivable cruelty.

''They recorded all of that and worst of all they leaked that video too''

Just the mere thought of it made your stomach turn. You finally understood why those guys had been giving you those dirty looks ever since you stepped foot on campus. The disgust was palpable, threatening to make you sick right then and there. Your stomach churned with disgust, and you felt like throwing up. However, you managed to control yourself somehow because you wanted to know more about this matter.

"Jin Ae, are you alright? You look a bit pale," the concern in the girl's voice was evident as she addressed you.

"Hey, I think we should stop talking about that. She is clearly getting uncomfortable. It could be dangerous for her health," her friend said to her with concern.

"No, I'm fine, really. Please, I want to know more," you reassured them

"Are you sure? You don't seem well," 

"I'm sure. Please, continue," 

"Alright, if you insist. But... something didn't sit right with that video. You appeared visibly uncomfortable, almost as if you were being coerced against your will. Some of us picked up on it, but unfortunately, others jumped to unfair conclusions, hurling hurtful names your way. And then, the same day news broke that you had attempted to take your own life by stepping in front of a car," she explained.

"Then why didn't any of this reach the cops or the principal? What about my parents? Do they know about any of this?" You asked, your curiosity piqued.

"No, none of this made its way to the cops or your parents," the response came, matter-of-factly. "Emily and Soojin made sure of that."

"What do you mean?" you frowned

"Well, when that video started circulating on the university's social media page, many students wanted to take action, to report it to the authorities or the principal. But Emily threw down a terrifying ultimatum. She threatened to dismantle anyone who dared to speak up, promising to obliterate not just their careers but their entire families too. Every student got scared of that threat because Emily had connections with some really powerful mob boss In the underworld. So, no one dared to complain about it.''

"And my parents? How could they not know about any of this?" your frown got deeper.

"As for your parents, your sister Soojin took matters into her own hands. She greased the principal's palms with a substantial sum to ensure his silence. As your father is one of the wealthiest businessmen. Our principal, being a selfish person, accepted that offer. Plus, he had his own reasons to keep this matter under wraps. It would have been a PR nightmare for the university, tarnishing its reputation and security if this matter went to the media or cops. So, the whole sordid affair remained confined within the university's walls."

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