Chapter- 25

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Please, ignore mistakes

Third person p.o.v-

You found yourself standing in a room, utterly bewildered. How you got there; you couldn't recall. The memory of arriving there had slipped through the sieve of your mind, leaving you stranded in a space that felt eerily familiar—almost unsettlingly so. Every detail, from the curtains to the walls to the dresser, resonated with a sense of déjà vu that sent shivers down your spine.

Confusion enveloped your thoughts as you turned towards the door, the only exit from the room. With a perplexed mind, you approached it. Gripping the doorknob, you twisted it, and with a hesitant push, the door creaked open, revealing a corridor beyond.

Stepping into the corridor, you surveyed your surroundings, hoping for clarity. Slowly and steadily, recognition dawned  upon you, causing you to gasp in disbelief, as you realized why you were having a feeling of familiarity about your surrounding. Because-

You were standing in your own apartment-

Your sanctuary, your true home. 

But the question lingered like a ghost: How did you come here? 

"I can't recall coming here at all, then how did i end up here" you mused aloud, grappling with the inexplicable circumstances.

As you ventured further down the corridor, your gaze fell upon a mirror adorning the wall. Your steps faltered as you caught sight of your reflection. Approaching cautiously, as you met your own eyes in the mirror, only to mixture of another disbelief and wonder washed over you. 

Was this real? Could it truly be happening? A smile crept in your lips. Tears of joy threatened to spill from your eyes as your hands reached out, tracing the contours of your face, a silent affirmation of your existence.

"Oh... Oh my God. Is this real? I can't believe it. I'm back in my own body.... But... but how did this happen? I can't seem to remember anything," you whispered, the weight of confusion heavy upon your shoulders.

"You are dead" A deep, echoing voice shattered the silence from behind you, causing you to startle. You turned to find Jungkook standing there, his presence both unexpected and unsettling. His expression betrayed no emotion. "You died on the day of the accident." he stated again in matter-of-factly, his gaze fixed upon you.

Wait a second, where did he come from? He wasn't there before, was he? You didn't even see him standing there a few minutes ago. Or did he bring you here? But what kind of nonsense was he spouting? You were standing in front of him all good, and this man was seriously saying that you died. Had he gone crazy or something?

'"You weird alien... Is this all fun to you? What on earth are you talking about? I'm alive, can't you see?" you snapped at him.

"Huh... Really? Well, how can you be so certain?" he inquired, his gaze lingered on the floor behind you. Confusion knit your brows witnessing his behavior and you turned to mirror his glance, apprehensive. When your eyes met the floor, a chilling scream tore through your lips at the ghastly scene before you, causing you to instinctively step back. Your hands shot to your mouth, seeking to stifle the horrified gasp escaping your lips.

The once pristine floor now resembled a pool of blood. But what was even more shocking was-

 Your dead body lying amidst it, drenched in blood. 

Its vacant, white eyes bore into yours, the pupils turned to a ghastly shade of white. The wall, once adorned with a mirror, had vanished from there like it was never there before, leaving behind a scene so horrific that it could plunge anyone into trauma with just one glance.

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