chapter 27

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Please ignore mistakes

Third person p.o.v-

The tranquil ambiance was shattered by the cheerful chirping of birds. The curtains danced gracefully in response to the gentle breeze flowing through the open window, ushering in sunlight that caressed your face in an attempt to disturb your peaceful slumber. You stirred slightly in your sleep, attempting to shield yourself from the light by burying your face, which served as your pillow. However, as you snuggled deeper, a strong, masculine scent wafted to your nostrils, causing you to furrow your brow in confusion.

You dismissed it, longing to prolong your peaceful slumber, yet you couldn't ignore the firmness of the object you were embracing. ''Why is this pillow so hard?'' you pondered, still keeping your eyes closed. Ignoring everything, You entwined your legs with it, embracing it like a koala clings to a tree. As you did so, you couldn't help but marvel at the pillow's size. ''When did I purchase such a large pillow?'' you murmured, a hint of a pout forming on your lips. ''But it's firm, yet so warm,'' a smile tugged at the corners of your lips as you buried your face deeper, relishing the warmth like a content kitten, earning a soft chuckle from the source.

''From when did pillows started to make sounds?' you mused, slowly attempting to open your eyes. You squinted slightly, rubbing your eyes and blinking multiple times to clear your vision. When your sight cleared, your eyes widened as you found Jungkook's face mere inches from yours, a mischievous smirk playing on his lips which was enough to vanish all your sleep. A startled shriek escaped your lips as you pushed against him with all your might, but he remained unmoved; instead, your own momentum propelled you backward. You braced yourself, anticipating the jolt of hitting the ground and feel the pain later, but it never came. He was quick enough to grasped your wrist and encircled his arm around your waist, pulling you towards him until your entire body was landed  against his, your hands resting against his chest to maintain some distance, your face a portrait of shock.

"Pillow, huh... well, I don't mind being your personal pillow," he teased, a smirk playing on his lips as you continued to stare at him, still shocked by what had just transpired.

"Why did you wake up so early? I was enjoying the beautiful sight before me," he remarked, gently tugging at your hair which were falling on your face.

"What on earth?'' you uttered  trying to get up but he maintained his firm hold around you. ''You... you creep... I already knew you were a psycho, a complete freak from day one, but I didn't realize you were also a perverted stalker," you said, your voice tinged with panic. He furrowed his brows in confusion. "What the hell are you doing in my room, and what were you doing while I was sleeping on my bed? That's it, I'm going to file a case against you today for breaking into my house!" You ended with a shout, and he gave you a disbelieving look.

'Oh, really? You have a really bad memory doll. First and foremost, I'm not in your room; in fact, you're on my bed. And secondly, I wasn't doing anything while you were asleep. It was you who clinging to me like your life depended on it . In fact, considering that, perhaps it should be me who files charges against you, don't you think?' he countered, a playful smirk dancing on his lips, leaving you wide-eyed as you realized he'd effortlessly turned your threat back on you. Glancing around, you confirmed his words; this wasn't your room. You bit your lip, recalling the events of last night when you slept in his room. You knew he wasn't wrong; you remembered clinging to him like a koala when you woke up.

'What are you thinking? Still planning to file a case against me?' he asked with a smirk, and you blinked, looking away.

"I... I..." you stammered, at a loss for words.

"Forget it. It's not like I'm complaining," he said, laying his head on the pillow and closing his eyes while hugging you firmly. Your face pressed against his chest, where you could clearly hear his heartbeat. To your surprise, it was beating faster than usual. As a nurse, it didn't take you long to notice. You looked up slightly, your face still pressed against his chest, and saw him lying silently with his eyes closed. Even from his facial expression, anyone could tell he was feeling peaceful, content with you in his arms. That's all he wanted. Having you in his arms was the only thing he desired from the start.

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