Chapter 23

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Please, ignore mistakes

Third person p.o.v-

The gym reverberated with the sound of continuous punches, intermingled with heavy breathing and low grunts, as Jungkook relentlessly assaulted the punching bag without reprieve. His hands, now red and bruised, bore the marks of his relentless assault, yet he persisted without gloves. Did he care? Hell no. Following his conversation with the astrologer, a myriad of thoughts swirled in his mind, gradually piecing together a puzzle.

"It occurs when a person's body is irreparably degraded, beyond repair, with no chance of return. At that point, the universe selects another vessel, transferring their soul into the chosen body," the astrologer's words echoed within him.

"We're doing everything we can, Mr. Jeon, but she won't fully recover. The car crash was devastating. Her condition is dire; her head sustained severe damage, her internal organs bleed incessantly. Even if she survives, she won't walk or talk again. She may lose her memories, or worse, slip into a perpetual coma," the rhythm of his punches intensified as the echoes of Y/N's doctor's grim prognosis resounded in his thoughts. Each blow was a testament to the turmoil raging within him.

"Her body seemed to surrender, showing no signs of recovery post-accident. It was as though she no longer wished to awaken, merely embracing death. Yet, we were astonished when she suddenly responded and emerged from the coma," the words of Jin Ae's doctor also lingered in his mind, which he discovered during his research.

Now, with all the pieces in place, clarity emerged. His behavior towards her, the inexplicable connection whenever they met, the tranquility in her presence—it all made sense. She was the reason. She was Y/N. His Y/N. The girl he yearned for, was within arm's reach all along, yet he failed to recognize her, inadvertently caused her pain. Despite his certainty, he still sought further confirmation, unwilling to leave any doubt unresolved.

He relentlessly assaulted the punching bag until it tore and collapsed to the ground. He stood there with his bruised knuckles, chest heaving, sweat cascading down his face and bare chest. Grabbing a cloth, he wiped away the sweat, then guzzled water from a bottle, letting the rest cascade over his face and closed his eyes.

That's when a knock interrupted his solitude, and Jimin entered the gym room, holding out a CD, earning his attention. "JK, we got the video you asked for," he announced, to which Jungkook merely grunted in acknowledgment. Taking the CD from him, he retreated to his room. He put the CD on the table and after a refreshing shower, he emerged in his casual attire. Cracking his neck bones a few times, he settled on the sofa and played the video.

As the video started, the room filled with agonizing screams of Jin Ae. The video was painful to watch, for sure. It was enough to make any sane person nauseous. But still, Jungkook watched all of that with a poker face. There was no emotion on his face, no pity, not even sympathy. He didn't feel anything. It was like he was watching a complete stranger.

When the video concluded, he closed his eyes, holding his head. Running a hand through his disheveled hair, he simply got up and emerged from the room. Walking through the corridor, he dialed Taehyung's number. As soon as Taehyung answered the call, he uttered, "Find out where Han Jin Ae is right now."

His demand made Taehyung frown, who was already so confused because of his behavior from the past few days. "What? But why do you want to know that?" Taehyung responded.

"JUST DO WHAT I SAID!" he shouted in frustration, not wanting to answer his question.

"Okay, okay, I'm doing it. Just give me a minute," he uttered fearfully due to his outburst. After a few moments, he spoke again, "JK, we tracked her phone. She is in the university and..." Taehyung couldn't even finish before JK interrupted, 

"Head towards the university right now. I'm going there."

"What? Okay, but..." Taehyung couldn't even finish his sentence as Jungkook abruptly ended the call. Then he practically ran towards the parking area.

"Afternoon, sir," the driver greeted, but Jungkook just pushed him off from the car and got in. Before the driver could understand anything, Jungkook had already sped off, leaving the driver dumbfounded. He drove as fast as he could.

Upon reaching the university, he immediately got out and asked some students about her whereabouts. One student mentioned seeing her heading towards the storage room, a place usually deserted. Panic gripped him as he heard that and sprinted towards the storage room. What if she was in some kind of danger? He couldn't lose her. Not again.

Upon arrival, he found some burly men standing near the door. He heard her voice along with some other voices coming from a room which must be the storage room. Ignoring their presence completely, he attempted to enter because right now she is his number one priority, but one of them blocked his path.

"Hey mister, where do you think you're going? Can't you see this place is reserved? We're about to have some fun with a hot chick. So, beat it," one of them sneered. It didn't take him long to understand about whom they were talking. 

Rage filled inside him and when they again tried to stop him, he literally beat the hell out of all of them until they were unconscious. Just then, Emily ran out of the storage room looking terrified. She looked at his back for a minute as he was facing away, and she shivered, seeing the blood dripping from his hand. She glanced towards the unconscious and bloody bodies on the floor, and a scream left her mouth as she ran away. Soon, Soojin also came out running and gave the same reaction.

When the environment got peaceful, he entered the room. His heart thumped in his chest rapidly and his eyes softened as he glanced towards her petite figure lying on the floor. But his blood boiled at the sight of blood on her head. 

He approached her slowly. His remaining doubts of her being Y/N got cleared as he mentioned that he knew her real identity. The shocked expression on her face and her panic attack cleared all his doubts because no one in this world can have a panic attack by hearing news of a stranger's death.

Flashback ends.


Thank you for the read. i hope every doubt of your is cleared now.

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