14: The big secret

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Ellie woke up with a wild headache that was through the roof. The sun was shining through the window and she was laying in her bed naked.

She remembered last night. She remembers getting drugged. She remembers waking up with Rafe. And she remembers the worst part of all. The sex.

God, what was wrong with her? What would Avery think? How could Rafe let this happen? How could she let this happen? Why did she sorta enjoy it?

No, Ellie. You didn't enjoy it. She had to remember that as she stood up and got dressed. She had to remember that Rafe was Avery's boyfriend. She had to remember who Rafe was. And that made her sick inside.

The girl quickly got dressed, trying to remember what exactly happened. Part of her hoped it was a dream. That she wasn't that stupid. But it wasn't.

She knew that by the letter Rafe had left her on her nightstand. It stated that he was sorry but he had to leave because her mom got home and he was afraid of getting caught.

The girl tore the letter up and put in the trash, to he forgotten.

While Ellie was taking painkillers, Elizabeth walked into the kitchen in slik pajamas. She stayed silent as she got a glass of orange juice before turning to her daughter. "Ellie-"

"Please don't. I have a headache and I honestly don't have time for what you have to say" Ellie snapped, sipping her orange juice as she swallowed the pills.

Elizabeth wetted her lips. "I just wanted to see how you were. We haven't talked since..." Her voice trailed off.

"Since you decided to date the guy who tool advantage of you?" Ellie finished her sentence, adding words of her opinion.

The brunette woman shook her head. "He didn't take advantage of me" She told her daughter, hoping she'd believe it as much as she did.

Ellie scoffed. "Whatever you believe. I'm going to the Cameron house" Ellie said as dumped the extra orange juice in her glass into the sink before setting the cup in the left side of the sink and leaving the home.

She didn't have time for her mom right now. She couldn't even stand the woman. She had more important things to do. Like talk with the older Cameron.

Rafe Cameron had taken advantage of Ellie. She knew it. He knew she was drunk and most definitely high and proceeded to kiss her and sleep with her, not even caring about his girlfriend.

And that was the truth. And Ellie was furious. She wanted to understand how Rafe could do something so selfish.

So, she got into her car and drove to the Cameron house, speeding slightly.

After six minutes she was standing on the Cameron's door step, her mind spinning faster then the Gravitron as she decided whether if she should do this.

Before she knocked on the door, Sarah stepped out of the house, her eyebrows furrowed when she saw the brunette girl there looking like she had a crazy night with her hair all knotted and frizzy.

Ellie turned to the girl. "I was gonna knock" She stated, seeing the girl looking confused. "Umm...is Rafe here? I just wanted to thank him for taking me home. Last night was crazy" She lied through her teeth, not wanting to give to much information, knowing how Sarah runs her mouth.

The thing with Sarah is that she spoke before she thought. And sometimes it got out of hand. Ellie knew to watch what she said around the girl, knowing she'd tell Avery, Wheezie, Topper, and Scarlett.

Sarah nodded, understanding. "Oh, well, Rafe isn't here. Also, where were you last night? Me and Avery went to the couch where Avery said you were and you were gone."

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