21: Battle Scars

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DEALING WITH FOUR teens who had no manners was harder than Avery imagined as Allison practically touched everything in the house at least once, JJ ate basically all the food in the refrigerator, Pope kept annoying her with facts and asking questions, and Kiara did everything in her power to avoid Avery and the police which was harder than the curly haired brunette thought.

Avery was sitting on the sofa, all the curtains were closed and the doors were locked. Aidan was still unconscious in his bedroom. Allison was peaking over at the girls screen. "So, you were Kiara's old friend?" She asked, Kiara in the bathroom.

"Yep" Avery replied, scrolling through Instagram.

"I've heard alot about you" She spoke as she fidgeted with her bracelets while eyeing the screen from a distance.

"Really? What things did you hear?" Avery asked, intrigued as her eyebrows rose slightly.

Allison shrugged. "Just that sometimes you can be a bitch" Allison said with no hesitation.

"Allison! No swearing" JJ shouted from the kitchen with a full mouth.

"Oh please I'm almost fourteen I think I'm old enough to fucking swear" Allison snapped as Avery licked her lips to hide her smile.

Kiara entered the room. Avery perked her head up to eye Kiara. "So I'm a bitch?" Avery asked.

Kiara's eyebrows furrowed. "What?" Her forehead creased as she slowly sat down on the sofa chair.

"Allison was telling me that she heard alot about me. Like I'm a bitch" Avery explained as Kiara's eyes widened, glaring at Allison.

"What? I wasn't gonna lie" Allison defended as Kiara huffed before scoffing, rolling her eyes.

"Yeah, I said you were a bitch. Only because you are" Kiara said, not denying it as Avery turned her phone off, setting it aside.

"Oh and you aren't!? You called the cops on Sarah's sixteenth birthday party" Avery snapped.

"Only because you two didn't invite me" Kiara shouted back, defending herself.

Avery scoffed. "Because you were hanging around these smelly pouges." Avery turned to Pope. "No offense. I like your dad"

"People tend to like him" Pope mumbled.

"So what? Because I was hanging with people you didn't like you guys just left me! Like garbage?" Kiara fought back tears as she scoffed.

"Yeah. And because Ellie told me what you said to her. How sick does someone have to be to interrogate her friend and then say 'your dead to me'?" Avery asked as JJ entered the living room with cereal falling out of his hand and into the box as his mouth was full with cereal.

"Oh please! Your the one who completely ghosted me. How sick does someone have to be to ignore someone just because they care too much about what mommy and daddy think?" Kiara asked, raising her eyebrows as a smirk appeared on her lips.

"Oh don't you dare mention them. I've been thinking recently, how does your parents feel about having a disappointment for a daughter?" Avery asked as Kiara slapped the girl.

"Woah! Woah! Nope! Not happening" JJ set the cereal box on the table and separated the girls.

"Ew! Get your sticky cereal hands off me" Avery exclaimed, shaking her arm as if that would help as Kiara just rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"You two need to put your bullshit in the past. John B is getting blamed for a murder that he didn't commit. There's bigger things to worry about right now" JJ said as he let his hands rest by his sides, taking a breath.

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