18. Children & memories

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THE NEXT MORNING, Ellie woke up early, before the sun rose to be exact. The house was very chilly it almost freezed her toes off as she made her way to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee.

The reason Ellie woke up so early was because she needed time to think and process everything that had happened.

Once her coffee was done brewing, she poured some creamer and sipped on it as she stood by the window in the living room, watching the sun rise.

The sky was a light blue with a tint of yellow, the sun wasn't in sight as it hid behind some tall trees but when it rose above the trees it almost blinded the girl as the sky lit up.

So much has happened in this one single week the girl didn't even know where to start. First, Sarah and Topper broke up and she was now with John B. Which nobody could have suspected as John B was a pouge and Sarah was a Kook, the Kook Princess to be exact.

Ellie couldn't even imagine how heartbroken Topper was. Despite how heartbroken he must be, Ellie knew he wasn't at home crying. Something about Topper Thornton was that whenever he got sad, he lashed out in anger. Ellie knew he probably was at the gym working hard while venting to his friends how upset he was and how he wanted to make John B pay. Topper was sick like that.

Then, Rafe and Avery broke up. Ellie couldn't even imagine how sad Avery was. Now, Ellie could see Avery at home crying. She was probably eating ice cream while listening to Traitor by Olivia Rodrigo, drinking wine not caring about anything. And it was her fault they broke up. And that was a real punch to the chest.

Everytime something great happened with her and Rafe like yesterday, the one thing on her mind was Avery.

She loves Avery. Avery was the older sister she never had. But she also loved Rafe. She'd always wanted to be with Rafe. She still had the notebook with their initials drawn inside a heart shape. She finally got the boy. She got what she wanted. But getting the boy costed her losing the girl she could so easily kill for. So, the real question was, does she choose the girl? Or the boy?

She was supposed to meeting the pouges and see Kiara again. With everything that happened between her and Kiara, the girl didn't even know what to say first. They stopped being friends ever since Kiara started hanging with the pouges again. Ellie didn't like to hate the pouges, she learned that from her father who grew up a pouge, but Kiara changed alot in that one year. And with everyone on the island, seeing a Kook and a pouge being friends would make the news spread around the island faster than covid-19.

With all this drama happening, the girl couldn't even think of crying over her father. And she didn't know if that was necessary a good thing.

The girl finished her coffee and put the mug in the sink before making her way to her bedroom.

She opened the blinds to her window, allowing the new beams of sunlight to light up her bedroom as she went to her closet and opened a cardboard box, pulling out the notebook.

She sat on her bed criss-cross-apple-sauce and opened to the first page. Her brunette eyes saw handwriting she could barely even read from kindergarten.

It was a diary. A journal.

Dear Dairy,
Charlote is being such a bitch. Her and Rafe were kissing at the playground. She's such a cunt. Rafe was mine!!!! Her and Avery are freinds so I have to act nice even though I wanna rip that wig off her head. I don't understand what Rafe sees in that red head. Maybe he likes read heads.

I'm back. I asked daddy if I could die my hair red and he said no. He's so mean! He doesn't understand that Rafe and me are gonna get married one day and have little babies. I loooovvvveeee Rafeeee. He looked so good In class yesterday. Charlote is so mean to think Rafe would actually date her.

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