20. The death of Sheriff Peterkin

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out of his mind. The image of the scars were painted in his mind. He couldn't escape it. Knowing that he had failed miserably struck him like lightening.

He caught himself giving her glances every now and then as John B arrived back at the Château and explained everything and apologized for going insane.

The brunette boy could tell something was off between the Maybank siblings but chose to stay silent as they all, including Kiara, sat on the deck.

They had hit rock bottom. They had fully lost hope. Knowing that Ward had taken the gold from the well and practically said "fuck you" to their faces hurt.

The man had committed murder and people, including Sarah looked up to him. John B explained how he told Sarah the truth and she didn't believe him, running away confused.

So, losing his father, his girlfriend, and the one thing that his father died for was all taken away by the same man who had adopted him, offered him a job, and allowed him to date his daughter.

People who didn't look at it from the pouges side would assume that John B was the villian.

But to truly be a villain, you had to care about nothing. And John B cared about alot of things. Unlike Ward Cameron who's eyes lit up whenever the gold was in the same room.

John B ripped off his blue cast that Allison had written, "get better soon" on it. "John B-"

"What, Kie? It's a hairline fracture. Who cares?" John B spoke as Allison smiled slightly and stared out into the ocean.

"You should care. Your arms gonna be messed up for life." Kiara argued.

"It's fine. See?" John B began moving his fingers as JJ glanced at Allison.

Footsteps came running, hitting aggressively on the wood. "Guys!" Pope shouted. "I ran all the way here"

"How was the interview, Pope?" JJ asked the boy as he caught his breath.

"Don't ask. John B. Look, I'm sorry dude. About everything" Pope apologized.

"It's fine"

"But I don't have alot of time, and I have information that is tactically relevant" Pope spoke.

"Cut to the chase" Allison argued.

"Before my interview, my dad said he was going down to the private airstrip, to cut palms for Cameron's big plane because it was too heavy. It needed a longer landing strip to take off. So, I'm sitting in my interview, thinking to myself, "Hmm. Why would Cameron need a longer airstrip to take off? What could be so heavy to weigh it down?"

Allison stared at the boy as realization hit her face. "Gold" John B answered as a wide smile appeared on her face and she sat up and hugged the boy tightly.

"For once I'm glad you're a super genesis" Allison smiled as she hugged him even tighter and then hit his shoulder playfully. "Well, John B, what are we gonna do?"

John B was the leader. When there was something that needed to be decided on, they would ask John B.

"We're gonna steal that shit back"

Everyone had wide smiles on their faces as they ran over to the Twinkie and began driving.

When they arrived, they parked outside of the crappy gate that said no trespassing. They all left the van and went to the gate, looking through Pope's binoculars, watching men put boxes in the plane.

A gray vehicle approached that belonged to Ward. Allison's jaw clenched just at the sight of him. "There's Ward"

A girl left the vehicle. Sarah. John B stopped looking through the binoculars. "What?" Kiara asked, watching as shock and pain fell across the boys face. "Sarah"

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