15: Midsummers

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A week of avoiding Avery and completely ghosting herself from everyone. She was currently getting ready for Midsummers. Perhaps that would clear her mind up.

She didn't know how to approach the situation. If she didn't tell Avery she'd sulk in guilt, if she did Avery and her wouldn't be friends anymore. No matter how she approached the situation she got fucked in the end.

And wearing the stupid sky blue silky dress James had so kindly bought for her didn't suck enough as she eyed her body in the mirror, disgusted by the reflection that shined back at her.

Her face had gotten skinnier, her skin was slightly pale and a tint of yellow from lack of sunlight and vitamin D, and a stupid hickey that Rafe had left her. It had faded alot but it still was slightly noticeable so just in case she covered it with concealer.

Her hair was in a tight bun filled with bobby pins that poked her skull as it hurt. A flower that Ellie was sure was a Daisy was in her hair as a decoration.

She looked at her makeup. Seeing the dark spots under her eyes hidden under all the concealer, her lips shining, her lashes almost touching her eyebrows, her cheeks slightly pinker. She looked fake. Disgusting. Like she was keeping a secret.

She was too distracted by eyeing herself she couldn't hear James entering the room. She turned to him when the floor boards creaked and saw his face that made her want to vomit. "What do you want?" She snapped.

"Your mother wanted me to give this to you" He said with a small smile, handing her a small jewelry box.

Ellie opened it, seeing a silver necklace that had a heart on it. It looked like a pendant. "She remembered I prefer silver" Ellie whispered to herself. "Why couldn't she have handed this to me herself?"

"She assumed you were mad at her" James said before snorting.

Ellie scoffed. "Well my mother should know that if I'm mad at anyone, it's you" She said blankly, not caring how he felt or his opinions as she just wanted to not see his face again.

James nodded, not surprised. "Look, Ellie, I know this is hard for you and it's completely understandable. But I want you to know that my intention is replacing your fa-"

"Stop. You know nothing about him and you never will" Ellie said before leaving the room and going down the steps, turning to the mirror hung on the wall near the entrance as she put the necklace on.

She left the home, her high heels on. Her mother in the car, touching up her makeup in the car mirror. Ellie glared at her as she tapped on the window, waiting till Elizabeth eyed her before speaking. "I hate you" Despite the window being rolled up, Elizabeth could hear those three little words slip out of the girls mouth.

She got into the backseat, James following after and getting into the passengers seat. "That necklace looks nice on you, Ellie" James spoke with a small smile.

"I'm aware" Ellie snapped. She didn't mean to sound cocky nor rude. She couldn't help it when James was around. How could her mom be blind? She couldn't understand.

The ride to Midsummers felt longer than it actually was as Ellie looked out the window, wearing something Ellie wouldn't normally wear but she tried to keep a positive mind since Mark used to love this celebration. He used to make it so much better. The fun died when he died.

Once they arrived, Elizabeth and James drifted off as Ellie roamed around, not knowing where to go. She was avoiding Avery and if you were avoiding Avery you had to avoid Sarah aswell. So she had nobody.

When Kiara and Pope were near by, Ellie couldn't help but approach the two. "Hey Pope, Kiara" Ellie said, faking a smile.

Kiara glared at the girl before faking a smile. The two girls didn't end on good terms. Therefore, they held a grudge like middle schoolers. Pope sighed at the childish behavior between the two. "Hey, Ellie" Kiara forced out.

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