3. Love and Regret

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LIFE WAS LIKE A NON-ending road. It just kept adding on. The misery. The suffering. No matter how hard you try to escape it you can't.

Avery was laying in her bed, staring at the ceiling. How could she forgive Rafe so easily? How could she allow what happen? Would Rafe be better off with someone better? Someone who didn't nag him about his addiction? Is something wrong with Rafe or Avery?

The questions kept piling up. The regret kept sinking in. The guilt. Avery wished she could just know what she was doing wrong. Why she deserved this. How to make it stop. The only way Avery knew to make the long road of constant suffering stop was to...end your life.

And the problem was that Avery didn't want to die. She loved living. She loved feeling the body heat of another human, she loved nature, she loved having sleepovers every summer night, she loved listening to Harry Styles, she loved breathing, she loved whenever she exercised after she could hear her own heart beat. She loved being alive.

But at the same time she wanted this constant suffering to end. She wanted to stop feeling like everything was her fault. She wanted to smile and feel normal. She wanted to feel alive. But at the moment she didn't feel alive. In that moment she laid in her bed she felt numb, not really there. She felt like the bed was smothering her. She felt like air was pressing against her chest, making her unable to breath.

Aidan then walked into her room, seeing his sister in her bed, staring at the ceiling, not breathing. Aidan furrowed his eyebrows. "Hey! Dumbass! What you doin'?"

Avery sat up, staring at the blonde boy who had furrowed eyebrows. She inhaled and exhaled, feeling the air enter her lungs. "Staring at the ceiling. What does it look like idiot"

"Fuck you"

"Why'd you even come in here if your just gonna be an asshole?" Avery asked the boy as he looked down.

"I was wondering if you wanted to get lunch" Aidan asked as Avery made a shocked face. "Well?"

"Your friends tired of you?" Avery asked.

"Your friends tired of you?" Aidan repeated, a smirk on his lips as Avery rolled her eyes.

"No actually. Because I'm not the one who's asking my sibling to have lunch with me because I have nobody and I'm too denial to admit it" Avery said, a smile on her lips.

"Should've never asked" Aidan mumbled as he began to walk out.

"Wait! Who's paying?"

"I'll pay"

A grin appeared on Avery's lips. "I get to choose the place? And buy anything I want?"

"That's a little pushing it" Aidan said.

"I don't have to come at all!" Avery threaten, knowing he needed her at this moment because he had no one else.

"Fine. You get to choose the place and buy whatever you want." Aidan agreed, his blonde hair covering his blue eyes.

"Cool. We're going to panda express" Avery said as she left her bedroom, walking past the older boy. "And your driving"

Aidan rolled his eyes as he held his car keys in his hands. Avery and Aidan left the house, side by side. Avery hopped into the passengers seat while Adian hopped into the drivers seat.

He put the keys into the ignition, starting the car and began driving. Avery turned to Aidan. "Hey Aidan?"


"How's your girlfriend?" Avery asked. Aidan has had a girlfriend since his first year at college. She was almost two years older then him but Aidan didn't mind, if anything he perfered that.

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